January Recap

I don’t know about you all… but I had a GREAT January! (click on the pics to go to my lists of what I read)

I hit 12 states in January and 4 out of the US. 

7 of the books I read in January were not read… they were LISTENED to!  Go audio!

1 book for the e challenge…

2 books on the Dystopia Challenge

1 book read off the recommended blogger reads list

I read/listened to 16 books/audio in January. (3 of these I have yet to review)

Page count for January:  3060

Total audio minutes:  2 days and 19 minutes (holy cats that sounds like a lot!)

4 of the authors were male and 12 were female. 

13 of the 16 were new to me authors.

That’s my recap.  How did your January go? 

23 thoughts on “January Recap

  1. Hello Sheila,

    It’s nice to recently connect with your blog. I enjoyed your latest on an obviously busy reading January. I admire your strategy for maximizing your time with books. I need a bit more of that kind of discipline myself.

    I’m finishing Melissa Harris-Perry’s book ‘Sister Citizen.’ It’s a well researched, respectful, yet emotionally charged look at Black women in American society. The final chapter on Michelle Obama is both insightful and self-reflective. A sound non-fiction work to exercise the mind. Give it a read.

    I’m a retired teacher from Vermont, now living and writing in AZ. If you enjoy an occasional middle grade/YA read, perhaps you might be interested in my series. ‘The Borderlands Trilogy’ includes ‘Gift of the Desert Dog,’ Open Books Press (2010); ‘Secrets of the Medicine Pouch,’ coming in mid-February, also from Open Books Press, and ‘Coyote-meeter’s Abyss’, coming in 2013.

    You can read the opening chapter of ‘Gift’ at my website: http://www.robertlhunton.com/

    i’m looking forward to a lot of great posts from you, and I’m sure I will have a comment to send along.

    My best in reading and writing,

    Robert Hunton

      1. In the original series, they were in Kansas for a bit. In this one, the Gregory Maguire series, they only talk about Kansas a little. I am totally going to google it though and see if I can come up with something! I put them in the Pacific somewhere, lol

Hmmmm... what do you think?