10 Years From Now…

I am hopping around this Saturday minding my own business when I hop my way over to Slighty More Than Dirt and find Alissa’s post on where we see ourselves 10 years from now.  Now I want to play too.

This is why blog hopping is dangerous.

When it comes to where I would like to be living in 10 years that one is easy.  I will just live here:

Ok… so maybe I am dreaming just a bit but I have always wanted to live some place warm year around and on a secluded beach.  I really value my alone time and I just want to have days of reading and hopefully writing in a cozy little cottage such as this….

I would love for there to be a room in this house like this:

Or this….

(except for the dude…. I don’t know how he got in there unless he is Al in 10 years.  Al?  Is that you)?

As for the where exactly…. that is yet to be determined but the idea has been tossed around maybe in this area:

This is more my dream…. Al would like to live in Florida but I think he would like to be more towards Orlando.

There has also been some talk of possibly living here:

No joke – that’s Honduras.  I am not sure yet if I would want to live there full-time but we have talked about maybe someday spending 3 or 4 months there a year.

If we are in a warm climate year around this would be my vehicle of choice:

and hopefully I would still be fit enough to continue the bike tours that I love on this:

And I would really like to be at this point in my life:

Ok ok…. maybe that’s a bit “shoot for the moon” but I would like to realistically be here:

Yes.  I have always wanted to be a writer.  Many …many ideas.  Just need to get moving.  🙂

Oh and as much as I love alone time…. my 10 year plan still looks like this:

Yes – in my ten-year plan there is still the non fiction super hero of my life, Al. 

If you would like to ponder over where you see yourself in 10 years and post about it – please link back to Slightly More Than Dirt we can all check out the ten-year plan!  🙂

31 thoughts on “10 Years From Now…

  1. I love living in Florida but have always thought I’d like to live in Roatan, Honduras. Either place would be fine, as long as it’s on the beach, and like you, I’m still able to ride my bike.

  2. I love the home photo! We have a study (albiet smaller) in our current house and it has about 40 books… that’s it! It’s my husband’s office so I don’t keep much in there.

    If you have a dream to write someday…. You might like the new project I will be blogging about soon. 🙂

  3. I love those rooms with all the bookshelves…I know, I have LOTS of shelves, but I could always use more. Cottage on the beach, yes!

    Not Florida, though. Maybe it’s the Californian in me, and I know we have those earthquakes, but the hurricanes scare me!

  4. Love your 10 year plan! Would totally love the room with all of the bookshelves, but Florida is too hot for my tastes. Maybe one of the Carolinas maybe? Or if we hit the lottery, how about a summer home and a winter home? I’m liking this game! 😀

      1. The room of bookshelves is definitely on the list. We’ve talked of living overseas, too (not Honduras, though). I still definitely plan to be married to my darling husband (of course!) But also: I want to write. Be published. And not just one book. The beach, though, isn’t actually on the list. I like a colder climate, actually.

  5. I usually say I’d miss the change of seasons if I moved somewhere that was warm all of the time but after this winter, I’m with you and getting the heck south!

  6. Love your ten year plan – especially the pictures of the house with the gorgeous rooms with bookcases. It would be nice …

    I honestly have no idea where I’d like to be in 10 years. Published would be nice, but i feel like 10 years isn’t quite enough to get me there. But who knows?!

  7. Your 10-year plans sounds wonderful. I like the first few photos : the room with all the windows and nature and the rooms with all the books….pure heaven!

  8. That sounds like a plan! Always shoot for the moon, right?

    I have never been to Honduras. I would love to have an apartment in Paris for when I wanted to get away, though.

  9. I should have mentioned that my house will definitely have a library in it as well minus that strange man, of course!

  10. I am in total agreement about the seclusion and the library, but it wouldn’t be in Florida…too hot. I would probably do a cabin in the woods somewhere with less hot summers. This will probably be more like in 15-20 years. My kids are only 7 and 8. And I definitely agree about the being published part. I’m hoping that will be in less than 10 years for me! *fingers crossed and sets jaw in determination*

  11. I like your 10 year plan. My DH and I are not beach people, but we do like lakes and mountains. My husband’s family is in Orlando – nice place to visit but we don’t want to live there. We are in TN now and the summers are too hot. I can see us in a cabin in the woods in the Northeast. Winters would have to be some place where snow isn’t a factor. We have gone past the point where it is fun any more. The Southwest would be nice. We loved Colorado Springs when we lived there, but would need to be a bit further south. As long as I have a huge library, I don’t care where I am.

    1. I dont enjoy snow either Pat…. I have lived it all my life. I showed my hubby this post and he laughed about the library. he knows that is a given. 🙂

Hmmmm... what do you think?