Morning Meanderings… What’s Next On The Crazy List?


Good morning!  It is Friday!  There is a happy dance coming soon.  😛

After coffee of course. 😯

So last Saturday while I am on my way to Fargo my friend Belinda called me and asked how my half marathon training was going.

Meh. Was my response.  With the holidays and the business of work and snow storms it was safe to say I had fallen off track.

She was asking because a half in Eden Prairie had just been announced and it was for 100 people only.  DO NOT…. she repeated… DO NOT go on the website unless you are pretty sure you are going to do it she said.  Once you see the medal you will want to sign up.

SO once I arrived at our hotel room in Fargo you all know what I did right?

I went on the website.


and of course… signed up.

February 23rd and no, I dont know if I can be ready but I sure am going to try.  I may not finish it by running the whole way but I will finish it. 😀  Stay tuned.

In other news, set your DVR’s people…Flowers In The Attic the Lifetime movie is on tomorrow, Saturday evening.  SSSQQQUUUEEEEE!!!  I love this new preview:

Creepy good right?  I am soooooo excited!  If you have time… grab the book today and read it before the showing tomorrow… you know I want to chat about this 😀


Half Marathon Questions….

Any advice from runners out there?

Is it crazy to do my first BIG run in Minnesota in February?  (Probably do not need an answer to this one… 😉  )

What is the longest distance you have run?  (and yes to the bathroom does count)



Flowers In The Attic questions…

Have you ever read this book?

Have you read the new release of it?

Are you planning on seeing the Lifetime movie?

What snacks do you plan on eating if you are?  😛



17 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… What’s Next On The Crazy List?

  1. Okay, how did I know your “crazy” would involve something that I would never even think of doing? lol Not even when I was young and relatively fit? I only ever ran around the track at the high school in my neighborhood when my kids were young. And then later, across the fields near the college campus. We’re talking only a few miles.

    I hated every minute of it! My lungs were bursting! Years later, I would discover I have asthma, so I now have a legitimate reason…lol

    I am looking forward to the new Flowers in the Attic movie!

  2. The first thing that came to mind was ‘It takes a special kind of crazy to voluntarily go out in the cold for fun’. As someone who goes out in any kind of conditions to observe/count birds, I get it. 🙂

    I still haven’t read Flowers In The Attic but I’m setting the DVR so I finally get to see the movie.

  3. Well, I don’t run anywhere these days, not even to the bathroom. If you already live in MN you are already (dare I say crazy? just kidding I have family that lives in MN). Go for it!!! You are only young once.
    As far as Flowers In the Attic goes. Nope, nadda, not gonna do it!. Will call my daughter though and make sure she knows it is on.
    Have a great weekend and I will wish you good luck on your run, it’s on my birthday!

  4. I didn’t know “Flowers” was on tonight. I can’t imagine my husband appreciating my 80’s obsession with those books! I will DVR it. 🙂
    And I trained for a marathon once – when my husband was still my boyfriend.We did Vermont City in May which had a “finish in six hours or be disqualified” rule. I ran halfway and dehydrated (it was warm!), ended up passed out in a gutter, and dnf’ed. So basically I ran a half marathon in just over 2 hours. Right now I run 2-3 miles a few times a week. We hope to train for a half together again sometime. I’d like to do DisneyWorld!!
    -beth 🙂

Hmmmm... what do you think?