First Book Of The Year 2014


Every year I get excited about what will be that first book that I will be chatting about going into the new year.  I make a big deal out of picking the book.  It is usually a book I have wanted to read for awhile and for whatever reason, I just have not been able to make the time to read it.

This year I would love for you to join me in this tradition of picking the book that you will be reading into the new year.  It can be a coveted book that you have been waiting to read, a guilty pleasure book, a re-read of a favorite that you want to explore once again… whatever you want.

Our posts of what we are reading will go live on January 1st.  You do not need to be done with the book on January 1st, just reading it on January 1st and yes, you can start on the 31st and be reading into the New Year.  I would like to link up all your posts here on the 1st as well so others can visit you and cheer you on!  If you are interested, please feel out the short form below.

130 thoughts on “First Book Of The Year 2014

  1. Haha Sheila! Been thinking ( smell the smoke?) 😉 I want to read The Complete Forsythe Saga. I’ve downloaded it off Project Gutenberg. It was one of my Mother’s favs, and I have never read it. It’s a really big book made of three smaller ones. Even though I read quickly this one’s gonna take a while. And since I’ll probably reup at GoodReads for 2014’s challenge, I’ll even review it if you’d like :p

  2. I think the first book of the year is EXTREMELY important. I usually try to read something older, a classic that I haven’t gotten to, or a newer book by a favorite author. This year, I’m going back to one of my finalists (a classic) from the first book of 2013 that got squeezed out by The Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trigiani (newer book, a favorite author).

  3. Hmmm…I read more KidLit. I just finished CHAMPION and LOVED it 🙂 So now I finally picked up THE 14 FIBS OF GREGORY K. At the rate I read, I don’t know if I’ll be done before December ends, but after that one, due to some strong prodding, I moved ONE FOR THE MURPHYS up to my #2 spot on my queue of books to be read. Chances are, that will be the one on the cusp of the New Year.

      1. Sheila, as you know, there are SO many great books out there to read! I’m afraid to count the ones I own that still need to be read, and the countless more “out there” I want to read! I’m friendly with the author of “Fibs” and also won his book through Goodreads, so want to read this, of course 🙂 There are several other authors I’m getting to know the same way and really want to read theirs, too! Where’s the time?!!!! AAAAGGGHHH!!!!

        1. Ugh… I hear you there. I have so many yet to read. I doubt if I will ever catch up. Like you as fast as you find the ones you want to read another batch comes out that you want to read… and so on and so on.

  4. Hi Sheila! There is one book I’ve been wanting to read for well over a year, The Book Thief. Now that the movie is coming to theatres, my anticipation has escalated. I just can’t wait to read it so this is the book I have decided to begin the year with!

    1. It is a great read! I hope you enjoy it. We read it as a book club many years ago and I remember being surprised that it is considered a Young Adult read. White your main protagonist is a young girl, the subject matter is a harder topic.

      1. I actually purchased THE BOOK THIEF back when I met its editor. I began reading it, but wasn’t in a place in my life where I could tackle a thick read like that, but the voice of the narrator is so unusual and compelling, it sits here waiting *sigh* And now, after seeing Geoffrey Rush is in the movie, I’m feeling more anxious to get to it, though STILL don’t know when! MAYbe by the time the movie’s out on DVD. I wish I could read faster!

  5. I am in, have picked a book to start the year, it sounds like a great idea. I am setting aside the first day of the year to read a memoir of an author who wrote romance set in the second world war in Britain. Lucilla Andrews – I loved her books many years ago. Her memoir is titled No Time For Romance. Hope I filled out the form correctly!

  6. I’m really not sure what book I’ll be reading to ring in the new year. I’ll be celebrating my 1 year blogaversary, so we’ll see what happens 🙂

          1. Sometimes just jumping in head-first is the best way and learn along the way. Although, it really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish as a blog. I know when I first started, I was thinking basics, and the more I read/saw other blogs I realized I needed more. It’s definitely inspiring to see some blogs and learn from their features and developments.

            1. Yes, it seems you and at least one other blogger I know say “just jump in,” but I’m wanting to make it more of a website feel than a blog, though I do intend to post! I just know my life and it’s important to me that the blog works and doesn’t become TOO much work, nor becomes stagnant due to me and my constantly-overwhelming life. I’ve been picking at them (yes, 2) for over a year now, in spurts, and am getting much closer to launch 😀 If you (or anyone else) want, please check them out. There’s little content (which is what I’m working on, also), but the bones are there, and today I’m working on getting pics of my blog-launch giveaways up soon:


              I’d be happy to hear what anyone thinks, positive or negative! 😀 Happy Sunday, readers! 😀

      1. I dunno about extra special haha
        But I hope to have a decent book to make it worth everybody’s while 😉

  7. Hey, Sheila, I LOVE this idea, but we will still be traveling on Jan. 1, home from our holiday visit to Oklahoma to see family. I bet there are others in a similar situation. Can you extend the posts into Jan. 2? I’d love to participate.

    Not sure what I will be reading on Jan 1, but I also like to choose something really good to kick off the year. Last year, it was Pigs in Heaven by Barbara Kingsolver which turned out to be one of my all-time favorites!


    Book By Book

    Book by Book is now on Facebook!

    1. HI Sue, sure we can take it you travel types lol… if it makes you feel better I will be in the cities on the first of the year doing a 5k. I really just want to see a picture of you and the book that you will be reading the first of the year. I will not get to mine until late afternoon on the first 😀

  8. This is an interesting idea. I never really thought about it much before, but you’re right – that first book can be important and set the tone for the year of reading in a way. May participate, need to figure out which book it will be still 🙂

  9. Hey Sheila, I could have sworn I left a comment here saying I was participating but it’s not here, unless I’m going blind lol. Thought I’d better check that I didn’t imagine filling in the sign up form as well??

          1. For some reason it wasn’t opening in AOL, so I opened it in Google and the form appeared 🙂 I’ll mention this on my blog on the “pre-launch” page ’cause it’s not ready to launch yet so I can’t put up a separate post yet, Sheila. I hope that’s all right.

  10. Thinking I’ll be reading Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children come the new year! I want to get onto Alliegent but this book has /really/ caught my eye in an unusual way. X3 Glad I’ve already decided too, otherwise it would be hard picking one out of the hundreds of unread books I own. Haha.

      1. I think I’m going to make a spreadsheet in google docs to keep up with the reading challenges. I’ve tried to join reading challenges in the past, but never had a way to keep up with them so maybe this will work for me! 🙂


        1. Thats a good idea! I had a spreadsheet last year that kept track of pages read, authors, audio time and if I was on track for my count goals… I lost it when my computer hit the skids in the fall…. I wonder if I can find one again on line?

          1. Sheila
            Use a google doc and if your computer crashes you will never lose anything. You have a gmail address so just go into your Drive and create one.

          2. Sheila,
            I can share mine with you so you don’t have to start one from scratch. I need to make it first, however. 🙂

            I’m thinking I’ll make one spreadsheet, but give each different challenge its own page?

  11. Reblogged this on Faraziyya's Bookshelf and commented:
    I’m going to begin a bookish tradition like this one. I think it’ll be fun.
    Who knows if with this i’ll be more active (in reading)? Because the first book i choose to begin my reading activities in 2014 could turn out a strong story that start my next year.
    Clue: the book i pick as the first of the year 2014 is the lastest work from Khaled Khosseini 🙂

  12. i’m in and i’m so excited with this bookish tradition!
    i’ve pick And The Mountains Echoed (the Indonesian translation version) and it’s kinda re-read because i’ve read the English version (bloomsbury).

  13. I posted on my blog about which book to begin 2014 with – I haven’t quite made the decision yet. I’m tied between two but leaning more towards one. I’ll definitely be participating!

  14. I am going to take part too Sheila..just posted about it on my blog. Not sure what I will be reading yet but for me I always make sure its a good book because that sets the epitone of my year.

  15. OK, it’s official. I began ONE FOR THE MURPHYS last night, so that’s the book I’ll be reading into the New Year 🙂 I LOVE the voice of this book! I’ve heard nothing but good things about it, so I’m expecting a really good read 😀

  16. I want my first completed book in 2014 to be the Harbinger but I have already started it with the plan to finish late this week and posting the review on the weekend. Would that count? It won’t be the first review in 2014 as I have another planned for 1/2 but it would be the first completed.

  17. What a fabulous idea! I plan to start my year finally reading Between Shades of Gray, by Ruta Sepetys. Now, I just have to figure out how to link up with this challenge on my blog, which has been dormant for months…. One of my goals for 2014 is to write more and actually post what I’ve written on my blog.

    1. Teresa, I’ve heard this book is wonderful. I read the beginning (as I do many books I’ve heard are good) and I can tell it’ll be a good read. I want to read it at some point. I’m betting you’ll really enjoy it. I really wish that “other” series didn’t have a similar title ’cause it kept me from looking at this book whenever I saw it on the shelves. I was confused by it 😦

Hmmmm... what do you think?