It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (#199 epic fail!)


I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. While I am no longer offering up the giveaway incentive, I do hope you will still see the value of visiting other participants and seeing what they are reading- be warned though… this meme tends to add to your reading lists :D

Egads…. I have never been so late on this post.  Seriously.. . this is my 199th Monday What Are You Reading Post and as you can see it almost didn’t happen.  Life has taken over my life.  It’s all good, but things around here are quite a juggle right now.

This weekend I was biking two days for Camp Benedict.  150 miles of awesomeness and awesome people.  Last night, honestly I just wanted to sit on my deck with my husband and not think or do… and that is what I did.  This morning, I was up and on the road by 5 am to do my 6 mile run, worked until 10:15, meeting at the library ar 10:30 – 12:15, lunch with a friend from 12:30 – 4m went grocery shopping hope and writing the post.

Yeah… that about sums it up.  I know I have been mostly absent since June.  I do not plan on leaving, I am just experiencing juggle technicalities and to be honest – the summer sun is winning right now. 😀

Thank you for sticking with me and your patience – here is the link up below- my Sunday is open next week so my post should be beautiful and timely for Monday What are You Reading #200.  Perhaps… we will have to celebrate 🙂


Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

19 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (#199 epic fail!)

  1. Sometimes it’s worth it to appreciate the sun! Never feel guilty for not being on the internet instead…though of course I would have been quite disappointed if this post hadn’t gone up eventually. 🙂

  2. Sometimes a break is a good thing! I think that’s why they recommend vacations. Even a break during the day is good for those of us locked into our desks. 🙂
    I am always impressed by your dedication to your riding. Enjoy!

  3. I’m in the same boat – but I’ve been there all year! I just can’t seem to juggle everything anymore. But I’m trying and am really hoping the new school year for the kids will get me back into the swing of things on my blog!

  4. I can’t wait to celebrate your 200th post with you and everyone else. It’s something to look forward too . Guess what? It hailed here today 😦 We had a thunderstorm warning in effect and there was lightning and thunder . What a blast :/

  5. If it makes you feel any better I just got my post done over a day late. It just didn’t make it into yesterdays camp drop off and pickups, haircuts, grocery shopping, lunch out, orthodontist, library, music store, VBS and lawn mowing day. Enjoy the summer!

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