It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. While I am no longer offering up the giveaway incentive, I do hope you will still see the value of visiting other participants and seeing what they are reading- be warned though… this meme tends to add to your reading lists :D

I know I am putting this post up really late.  I usually have it up on Sunday evenings but after a trip to the North shore with my son from Thursday Morning until Saturday, then shopping for a picnic for 300 people and then on Sunday putting together the picnic for 300 people together along with an awesome team and then finally getting home at 3 pm and then falling asleep from 4 pm – 5:30, then dinner, then mowing the lawn…

let’s just say writing this post last night was not in the cards.

Yes… I have been absent a lot this summer, more than I ever have been.  The addition  of the half marathon training on top of my Library duties, job, weekend events, camp prep…  all of this has really made my blog window tiny.  I do believe this is only for a season so please hang with me… 😀

My reading (books) is almost at a standstill.  I have been reading the same book for the last three weeks.  The book is good, but I am just busy and sitting and reading is something I long to d0 – but can not find the time.  My audio book listening is still strong.  I haven’t started anything new this week but am still enjoying:  The White Princess by Philippa Gregory, The Twelve by Justin Cronin, and Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan.  



I am hoping this afternoon to get in some reading time.  *fingers crossed*

What are you reading this week?  I am excited to see what books you are accomplishing this time of year!  Please add your link below.

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26 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I’m reading an ARC, CARTWHEEL by Jennifer DuBois. She writes beautifully. It’s a great book.

  2. No need to apologize! Life happens and we just gotta roll with it. Glad the audios are still going strong. They are what keeps me feeling like I am getting some reading accomplished too since I have hardly held a book in the last month or so!

  3. I don’t know how you do it all!! I had a terrible reading week too but the reason was not as much fun as yours by a long shot. So much family drama as my son’s ex-wife (they have been divorced about a month) went off the rails this week. Wish I could write a book with all that’s happening it would be a doozie!!

  4. I’m reading Sarah Dunant’s Blood & Beauty about the Borgias. It’s really good and I’m enjoying it but I’ve been busy and doing yard work (making hay while the sun shines?) so it’s taking me a while. My blog followers probably think I’ve fallen off the face of the earth. These things just happen, especially when you’re as involved with organizations as you are.

  5. Where do you find the energy?! Your list of accomplishments exhausts me!! I’m having a very difficult time finding reading time too and when I do I find that I just can’t concentrate. Thank goodness for audiobooks.

  6. I am reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor and my adult book is still Voyager by Diana Gabaldon. I have Rump waiting patiently for me!

  7. I just finished up a readathon, so have 4 titles I finished and one I started this past week, above average for me. You sound like you have been incredibly busy–it’s good that you have audiobooks to listen to while you run errands or do chores. About your books, I read Justin Cronin’s The Passage and really enjoyed it for being so different from other vampire tales. However, I have The Twelve and put it aside for now–just have to be in the right frame of mind for it I guess, and it’s very long like the first book. Happy reading.

  8. Good to hear you’re enjoying The White Princess, I’ve got it coming up soon. Sounds like you’re enjoying the crazy pace, but fingers crossed you get some time out to read and relax. Don’t worry, we just go with the flow 🙂

  9. Similarly I’ve not read much. You want to be out in this weather and reading can only be a small part of that overall. I’m currently finishing The Omnivore’s Dilemma and then have a couple of shorter books to get to. Hope you were able to spend time reading 🙂

  10. It seems summer is a really difficult time to get any reading done even for us who love to read! I have to try and steal moments here and there to get any reading done!

  11. I just finished listening to The White Queen. I really enjoyed it, although at 15 hours, it was a little long for me. Took me forever to finish. Now I want to read The White Princess which is even longer! Think I will read this one instead of going the audio route!

Hmmmm... what do you think?