Restrike by Reba White William


Cousins from North Carolina, Coleman and Dinah know how to find trouble.


When the cousins move to New York to follow their love for art, Coleman finds herself in the position of editor of a sweet and popular arts magazine, while Dinah becomes owner of a Gallery in Greenwich Village.  The jobs are of course exciting and cause the girls to feel on top of their game until trouble brews within the integrity of an employee at the magazine and due to a poor location, sales are floundering at the art gallery. 

Enter Hayward Baine, a millionaire in the art field and possibly (hopefully) the answer to the cousins prayers.  Yet once again trouble strikes as an art dealer turns up dead and Baine suddenly is posing questions as to him possible involvement…


is never dull.




Restrike was brought to my attention by its fun cover and quirky synopsis.  Easily labeled a cozy mystery, Restrike poses an occasional “snort out loud” fun humor with an engagingly light story line.  Being from a small town and having had the opportunity to see New York as well, the story was interesting to see this huge change in zip code play out. 

Coleman and Dinah are fun characters and Restrike is their debut…. from what I hear, there is more to come and for that I am glad. 

Restrike makes for a good summer read that is not overpowering, but light and enjoyable as a beach read or one to definitely toss in with the luggage for vacation.  Versatile as it is – enjoy it curled up on a stormy night as well with a really good bowl of popcorn.


Thank you to TLC book tours who brought me to a world

that was fun to walk through with the cousins.



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