Book Appetit! Dewey Read-A-Thon Mini Challenge!


Hey read-a-thoners!!!!  Watcha reading???  Are you getting a little hungry while reading?

My book club meets each month at someones home and we try to bring food to go with the book we just read.  It is a lot of fun to see how creative we can get!  For instance when we read the book ROOM by Emma Donoghue, there was Jack’s birthday cake as described in the book, Jack’s favorite meal of macaroni and cheese, ma’s favorite treat and on the creative side – we had pigs in a blanket renamed for the book “Jack in a rug”.  (To get that one you have to have read the book).  😛

Another example would be… say you are reading Chocolat.  Well, of course you would be whipping up some tasting chocolat concoctions!  Or…  you are reading The 19th wife which has to do with Iowa and a funeral… you would always do funeral type foods that were popular in Iowa at the time…. 

Anyhoo.. for this mini challenge if you choose to accept it, I will be asking you to come up a menu to go along with your current read or one of the books in your reading pile for today.  Now… imagine that you have friends coming over to discuss the book with you.  You have prepared food and beverage items to go with your meeting (money…. is no object).  And what I need to see from you is:

1.  Book title and author

2.  The menu, food, beverage, you can even go as far as background music, decorations…. have fun with this!

3.  You will receive an additional entry if you create a drink to go with your book event and give it a name

4.  While you are welcome to post your response in the comments below, you will receive an additional entry if you leave a comment AND link up to a post about this on your own blog.  (Linky available below)


SO…. Swedish Chef…. what are they playing for?

A winner will be chosen at the end of this mini challenge time using and will be announced here that they have won a $20 Amazon gift card that will be sent by email today to the winner!  **If more than 40 participate in this challenge, a runner up $10 Amazon card will be added.

Have fun!  I can not wait to see what you come up with!  😀

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Winners of this mini challenge are

$20 Amazon gift card to Jo Jo from Jojo’s Corner
$10 Amazon gift card to Melissa from Avid Reader’s Musings


63 thoughts on “Book Appetit! Dewey Read-A-Thon Mini Challenge!

  1. My book club occasionally tries to match up our food to the books we’re reading too! I really like the idea I’m doing for this challenge that I’m going to use the idea for our June selection, since that’s my month to pick the book. 😉 Awesome, awesome challenge!

  2. Fun idea for a challenge. I’d been hoping somebody would include this one this year 🙂 I’ve added my link to the linky thing 🙂

  3. Atm I’m reading “The Gay Science” by Nietzsche, so that’s a hard one.

    I’d propably go with the stereotype philosopher’s menu: some pastry and nibbles served with some wine. Music would be classical then, no decoration, I’d keep it rather simple.

  4. I’m reading Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, a Victorian-esque novel. I would cook Bubble and squeak, with onion custard and a “french stew of peas and bacon” for the meal. I’m not sure about the custard, but it was supposedly very fine. For dessert I would make a cider cake, because I always have cider in my fridge. To drink, we’d have tea of course, with sugar and cream!

  5. I am reading Affinity by Sarah Waters so I would go with a traditional menu from 1874. Lots of heavy meals. Turkey, gravy, baked beets, green beans and cannot forget cake, fruit preserves, and sweet cream.

  6. My current read is The Ambassador’s Mission by Trudi Canavan. The drink I have invented to be served at this party is ‘slum juice’ as many of the characters live in the slums and are underground thieves or poor. Folk music would be playing as the book is set in a medieval-esk period. The starter would be soup, the main course pig on a spit, because MEDIEVAL (in case you didn’t get that already :P) and the dessert would be a mixed bowl of berries to reflect the poverty of the characters.

  7. I’m reading Beautiful Creatures, by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I would throw a dessert party. The moon is a big motif throughout the series, so I would definitely serve a Chinese moon cake, which l’ve never had but looks delicious. A main theme is light and dark, so I would also serve a chocolate and vanilla marble cake and black and white cookies. For the signature cocktail I would probably just mix together whatever I had in the house and call it Witches Brew. In Beautiful Chaos, they are called casters but I don’t think anyone is fooled. They are witches.

  8. What a good idea for a challenge! I’ve stuck with my current read – Care of Wooden Floors – and gone for a bonfire theme for that wood-smoked flavour. 🙂
    My full answer is on the blog – link’s added to your Linky, thanks!
    Ellie @ Musings of a Bookshop Girl

  9. I’ve added my link as well, but I’m reading Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde. It takes place in England and they drink a lot of tea and eat pasties, so those will obviously be served. In addition, I’ll serve End of the World Ice Tea, which is a Long Island Iced Tea made with strawberry vodka, and for dessert a strawberry pudding. Because the world ends when everything turns into strawberry pudding. Good times.

  10. I’m reading Ambitious Brew by Maureen Ogle. It’s about the history of American beer. Since the major breweries were started by German immigrants, food must include bratwurst (simmered in beer) and sauerkraut. Mustard as the condiment.
    For dessert, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (or black forest cake) because I love it so much. It was even the flavor of my wedding cake.
    Beverages is obvious…. Budweiser, PBR, Busch and Milwaukee’s Best (Miller hasn’t hit the scene yet, nor has Coors) However, Prohibition is impending, so some water and iced tea… but keep the beer under the table, or spike the iced tea with moonshine (call it Annie Mae for a local bar that used to be a speakeasy).
    I could totally keep going with this… as I move farther into the book, adding more types of beer (eventually the really cool and rare microbrews and local beers). I really might have to plan this party!

  11. Oooh! I love this challenge! It has been really fun creating a menu to go with my current read, Within a Budding Grove, by Proust. Thank you! 🙂

  12. I am reading Hyperion, I’m only 16 pages in and so far they only drank scotch and wine. Since I don’t drink, that is out. BUT! They do drive in a tree-spaceship, so I guess, my food of choice for now would be fruits that grow on a tree. Apple, pear, orange…. And grape juice for drinking, instead of wine.

  13. Wild, Cheryl Strayed. Trail mix and granola bars, for snacks. I’d serve a salad of wild greens, such as dandelion greens, with nuts and seeds. Some type of river fish, since forest animals are not exactly appetizing to me. I would serve those miniature individual serving bottles of wine, and drink from the bottle. No room for wine glasses in a backpack, right? This is fun, I might actually make this happen.

  14. I just finished The Clothes They Stood Up In by Alan Bennett. It’s about a couple in England who had their apartment completely emptied while they were out.

    I’d serve curry and a good cup of tea, out of disposable dinnerware. As for decor, we’d all have to sit on the floor of an empty room, as the Ransomes had to do

  15. This is a super fun challenge! I’m reading The Interestings which takes place in 1980s New York and I think it would make an awesome themed cocktail party. One of their first cocktails mentioned is vodka and Tang 🙂

  16. I’m currently reading Sweet Deception by Heather Snow, a historical romance set in the English countryside in the 1800s. Our menu is perfectly proportioned vegetable stew in honor of the math genius heroine and all the search and rescue volunteers at the beginning of the book and a bergamot and lavender blend of black tea I’m naming The Derbyshire Blend (see linky for more details). 🙂

  17. The book I’m reading is “Gone Girl” by Gillin Flinn. I would have “Amazing Amy” Posters, a “Are you a nick, go, or Amy” quiz set up and food like lobster (Amy and nicks favorite meal),and other snacks. Also a Bloody Amy punch set up (similar to Bloody Mary’s but Less tomato and nonalcoholic.)

  18. I’m reading American Woman, which is a fictionalized version of part of the Patty Hearst story. Right now a bunch of the outlaws are holed up in a country home and they’re surviving solely on wine, whiskey, beer, cigarettes, and beef jerky. I’m a recovering alcoholic so I guess I’d have to stick to the beef jerky and smokes. 😉

  19. How fun! I added my linky to the list, but my party menu for The Song of Achilles included lamb, cheese, bread, olives, and figs, served with water and honeyed wine. And took place on a beach! I can practically smell the camp fires and good food, I would TOTALLY host that book club meeting if I could! 🙂

    Thanks for the mini-challenge and giveaway!!

  20. 1. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams
    2. Fried Chicken and grits and a birthday cake for Big Daddy! It’s a southern birthday party! We’ll hang some paper lanterns and a lace table cloth for the “no-neck” kids to ruin.
    3. A cocktail of course, Brick drinks throughout the book! A whiskey with a splash of tonic water and ice for those hot southern nights. We’ll call it “Maggie’s Loneliness.”

  21. My menu for A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan would probably involve genteel 19th-century food such as cucumber sandwiches (with crusts cut off, of course) and tea. Soft harpsichord and string quartet music would play in the background; but because the heroine is a scientist and a bit of a rebel, I’d also sneak in some ’80s classics like “She Blinded Me with Science.” As for the book’s signature cocktail, all I know is that it would be called Dragon’s Breath, and it would definitely be tequila-based!

    This was fun! Off to add my link, and possibly get a snack…

  22. Your Invite to a Blackberry Winter by Sarah Jio Dessert Party & book discussion ~
    Attendees are treated to a room lit with white fairy lites, blackberry branches with sparkling snow flakes falling from chandelier and branches.

    Table is layered purple on white with centrepieces of blackberries, branches and sparkle dust lit by twinkling fairy lites…
    Background music playing is In My Life from Les Mis.. copies of lyrics on buffet for all.

    Chill Chaser on arrival is
    Mexican Hot Chocolate with Cinnamon Dusted Swirled Snow Drift Topping.

    Warm Blackberries in Snow Tarts Sprinkled with a Fresh Dusting of ‘Snow’

    my Drink Creation ? The “Frosted Blackberry Blizzard” …

    While you all discuss Blackberries in Winter, I’ll head back to finish reading it for the readathon!

    Posted HERE

  23. I am reading The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It is translated from Spanish, so Manchego is a must, and has been mentioned a few times in the book. In fact, there’s so much food mentioned in the book.

    The menu:
    Drink: A nice Rioja, of course.
    Appertizers: Manchego, serrano ham, sausages
    Soup: Isabella’s broth (appeared countless times)
    Entree: bacon, veggies and rice (not sure how it’s cooked but that’s what the protagonist cooked up)
    After dinner: Columbian coffee (from Isabella’s father’s shop) with lots of lumps of sugar (a la Corelli style)
    Angel cake (because of the book’s title)
    Spanish brandy

Hmmmm... what do you think?