It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Welcome to It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading!  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Ok…. a few housekeeping things.  First, I was missing last Sunday and that was just crazy…. I forgot to write the post.  😯  Yes my first week of January was incredibly busy and I have been so tired… an I just forgot.  Three years of doing this meme (this is actually the 170th time I have done this meme), and never once forgot, not even while I was in Honduras.  I still can’t believe I forgot.  😛

Secondly, for those of you who have won the giveaway on this meme recently you have probably noticed I am extremely slow at getting the books to you.  Life again…. so going into this new year I want to tweak how I do this giveaway – I am no longer going to do the books giveaway as it is just too much work to keep up on and not fair to you to have to wait on me.  Instead, each week will be a chance to win a $5 gift card to Amazon that I will email to you. 

Same opportunities apply as last time – comment on 10 or more of the links below and let me know in the comments to be entered into the drawing.  Occasionally I may offer a book I have read as well.


I haven’t posted much this past week… errr… two weeks, but this is what has happened here:


The Christmas List by Richard Paul Evans

Cascade by Maryanne O’Hara

Forgotten by Catherine McKenzie


Sadly, this is the first year since I can remember that I did not have a first book of the year show up on January 1st.  In fact, I have not read a page in the last week.  I hope to correct that in the next two days as I have them off. 😀

Ok.. so here is what I am reading (starting to read) and listening to on audio:



All her life, Sara Gallagher has wondered about her birth parents. As an adopted child with two sisters who were born naturally to her parents, Sara did not have an ideal home life. The question of why she was given up for adoption has always haunted her. Finally, she is ready to take steps and to find closure. 

But some questions are better left unanswered.

After months of research, Sara locates her birth mother—only to be met with horror and rejection. Then she discovers the devastating truth: Her mother was the only victim ever to escape a killer who has been hunting women every summer for decades. But Sara soon realizes the only thing worse than finding out about her father is him finding out about her.

What if murder is in your blood?

This may very well be the first book of the year.  Apparently… my year starts on January 7th. 😀 






For 10 years Arlene has kept her promises, and God has kept His end of the bargain. Until now. When an old schoolmate from Possett turns up at Arlene’s door in Chicago asking questions about Jim Beverly, former quarterback and god of Possett High, Arlene’s break with her former hometown is forced to an end. At the same time, Burr, her long-time boyfriend, has raised an ultimatum: introduce him to her family or consider him gone. Arlene loves him dearly but knows her lily white (not to mention deeply racist)Southern Baptist family will not understand her relationship with an African American boyfriend. Reluctantly, Arlene bows to the pressure, and she and Burr embark on the long-avoided road trip back home. As Arlene digs through guilt and deception, her patched-together alibi begins to unravel, and she discovers how far she will go for love and a chance at redemption.

I started this one yesterday and I am enjoying it.



Both of these authors I read for the first time in 2012 and enjoyed their books.

Now… what are you reading this beginning of the new year?  Please add your What Are You Reading link below where it says click here and then others can come and see what you are reading as well.  You never know where that next great read may come from….

(On Twitter our hashtag is #IMWAYR)

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For those of you who review mainly Middle Grade (MG) and/or Young Adult (YA) reads, please also add your link to this meme as well:


73 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Still Missing was intense!! I’ve got Never Knowing on my tbr stacks, hope it’s just as good. Have a great week and hope you get some ‘you’ time soon 🙂

  2. I loved Never Knowing and the style of writing Chevy Stevens uses. Have a great week! (By the way, I visited 10 of the linked blogs!)

  3. I love the sound of Never Knowing! I haven’t read either of these authors before, but I love the sound of Never Knowing! Hope you have a great week! 🙂

  4. Never Knowing looks like an amazing, intriguing read. I love the cover.

    I’m not sure if this is all right for the giveaway, since I haven’t participated in that one before, but I’ve commented on about 20 blogs so far. Should I mention this here? I had a blast commenting, so even if it doesn’t count for the giveaway, I don’t mind!

    Find out what I’m reading this week!

  5. Glad you’re enjoying Gods in Alabama. Joshilyn Jackson does Southern crazy eccentric quite well. 😉

  6. I haven’t really read much yet either. I think it’s the start on year issue – thinking there’s so much time you can leave it until later. I love the sound of Gods in Alabama, it sounds rather original.

  7. I have been reading like crazy. If your in a rut try a few short stories, or a bunch of blogs. I got bored and have gone to 50 of the blogs that have linked to this post. The sad thing is I have only found one book that I might want to add to my pile.

      1. I hear that. When I have to work I just have time for work and sleep. I even have to prep my meals a head of time.

  8. I listened to books by both Chevy Stevens (Still Missing) and Joshilyn Jackson (A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty) last year too – first time for each author – and I really enjoyed both. I heard that Joshilyn Jackson narrates quite a few of her books…is she narrating Gods in Alabama?

    Have a great week!

  9. I finally finished a book on Saturday and I was so excited I could hardly stand it. You are in for a real treat with Gods in Alabama. I lived in Alabama when I read it and the first line is so very true.

  10. Never Knowing sounds incredible, i havent actually read this author before but this book is definitely on my reading radar now! I hope you have an incredible (and perhaps shower) week Sheila!

  11. Both these books are shouting from my TBR shelf, lol.

    Hopefully things will settle down a bit for you now so you can get your groove back. lol 🙂

    Visited 10 so far!

  12. I missed you last week! But I can totally understand the being very busy. Life is life and there are times when it seems like it is never going to calm down! Hope you find some time this week to sit down, relax and enjoy the new year.

  13. I just joined for the first time! I hope to come back regularly for the weekly meme. I already linked my post! I’ll check other bloggers! thanks.

  14. gods in alabama looks interesting.. and this is the first time i am actually signing up fr the giveaway though i have been participating in the meme for a long time now.. commented on about a dozen blogs already and will do some over the week

  15. I remember when you first took over – it’s been great. Hope you get a chance to get some reading in. I finally had a good week of reading, read three books in one week, plus some short stories – this is amazing for me lately. I’ve been averating 1 book every other week or so.

    It was good to have a winter vacation – I work in a school. I think working in a school exhausts employees in a way that’s hard to explain. You love working with children, but really NEED those school vacations. Especially when you start getting older.

    Take care, and happy reading

  16. Both of these authors have been on my TBR for too long now. Maybe they’ve just moved up a notch 🙂

    I got my first read of the year in on New Year’s day and the day after–a Net Galley ARC about to time out on me. The Tragedy Papers. A YA coming of age that was very good btw. But large chunks of time like that for reading are rare of late.

Hmmmm... what do you think?