The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

Hazel Grace has never been anything but terminal.  At 16, her cancer has taken away her ability to breath for long on her own without oxygen, so much to her delight (NOT), she travels with oxygen wherever she goes.  Her life is a daily repeat of her parents watching and waiting, afraid to look away from her for fear it will be the last time…. this is no way for a teenager to live, or for a teenager to die…

During one of her Cancer Support Group Sessions, there is a new guy.  The easy on the eyes Augustus Walters shows up with a twinkle in his eye, and a limp in his step, having lost a leg to cancer and still struggling with the amputated one.  Augustus is not terminal, he has an 80% survival rate and therefore Hazel knows they have no chance of being together, after all – who wants to date someone like her, a grenade about to blow out of this world at any moment.

Yes, Augustus is like a drug, his quick wit, and great sense of humor are too much for Hazel and she finds herself falling even as she tried to hold back.  In a different life, in a different body, not one riddled with cancer, he would have been her Romeo…

Why did I want to listen to this audio?  For way too long I have heard the raves of this book and of John Green – yet I succumbed to neither.  I don’t know if the cover did not speak to me or if was the more obvious reason… who wants to read a book about teens with cancer?

The Fault In Our Stars is a book that I wish I would have read when it first came out.  After listening to this book on audio I am left a blubbering mass of emotion – and in a good way.  Like in the way when you know you have just experienced something BRILLIANT and you can not believe you are not surrounded by people so you can SQQQUUUUEEEEEE all about it.

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.”

This seven hour audio narrated by the amazing Kate Rudd is a “do not miss”.   Seriously, if I could wrap up a copy of this audio book and had it to each of you reading this review, I would… because audio book lovers, you are in for a listening experience   that is like going to a high-end restaurant, eating a wonderful meal and discovering the bill has already been paid… and non audio book lovers, if you were ever on the edge of trying audio, let me personally recommend you make The Fault It Our Stars your #1 book to try.

“What a slut time is. She screws everybody.”

Where do I began my gushing?  Hazel and Augustus may very well right now be my favorite fictional couple. Hazel is dry and funny, and you can not help but laugh out loud with some of the things she says.  And Augustus, so gets her.  He too is extremely funny and witty.  Now you have heard of the Make A Wish foundation and you hear how many people choose a trip to Disney World?  In this book you will find the great wish to be a trip to see an author of a much beloved book to find out what would have happened next if there had been a sequel. (These… are my people.)

You may think a book about cancer is just too much, but this book is not about cancer.  Cancer is there, sure, but it is merely a back drop on an incredible story of two young people who decide to take a chance despite the odds, and in the end, both are better for it.

Without experiencing great pain, you can never experience great joy.

I don’t think I can rave enough to do this book justice.  If I had a “John Green Rocks!” banner I would wave it. It made me laugh, it made me cry.  It made me think.  John Green has a way with words that sent me full speed hurdling towards another of his books.  I wanted more… I needed more…I may be an addict.

If you have already read this book, I highly HIGHLY recommend you go through it again on audio.  Treat yourself to something spectacular.


Goodreads Review (listen to a sample here)

A few other reviews of this book by awesome bloggers:

Alisons Book Marks

Rhapsody In Books

S. Krishna’s Books

Cares On Line Book Club

52 thoughts on “The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

  1. I liked this one, too. One of the things that I enjoyed was the dialogue. I feel like it is closer to how I talk with my friends, the ones I know really well, than the kind of dialogue that keeps turning up in modern works. We talk differently now and our writing should reflect that. Green captures it.

    Thanks for your review. I enjoyed it.

  2. LOVED this book! I bought my copy right when it came out, but now I’m kind of curious about the audio. 🙂 Thanks for the great review!

  3. I read this book (reviewed it today, too!) and I enjoyed it, but not as much as you. I didn’t really feel very close to the main characters, so that was a pity. I did enjoy their story, especially when they go to Amsterdam.

    Maybe the audio added a new dimension to the book. I’m not an audio person myself, so I don’t think I will try. But I’m glad that it works so well for you. I can imagine you on your lawn mower, laughing like a mad woman or crying your eyes out. 🙂

    1. Judith I read your review and I thought perhaps the audio made the difference too. I can see where this could be a different book if it was read – but the narration was so spot on…

      Oh and this time I wasn’t on the mower as I finished this one, I was in the beginning but I ended it on the fourth riding on the back of my hubbys motorcycle… and yup, cried on the motorcycle 😀

    1. Oh Laurel, if I could I would PLEAD with you to listen to it on audio… did you ever read my comment a while back here when I said that I have now added to my bucket list “Have Laurel try one really good audio book”. Seriously…. you are on my bucket list. 😛

      1. You are definitely enthusiastic about audio! lol That’s so funny that you have me on your bucket list; I will say that I would have loved to hear The Help on audio (if there is one), as I enjoyed hearing the dialect in the movie more than I liked reading it in the book.

        Or listening to a British narrator would appeal to me. Any suggestions?

  4. I made the mistake of listening to this one on the bus to work. Even after having read the hardback the previous month. What was I thinking? A couple of times towards the end, when Kate Rudd adds just a little ‘crack’ to her voice, utterly destroyed me!

  5. Ok, ok, you’ve convinced me. I’ve been shying away from this one because it sounded like a sad story, which it is, and then there’s that boring cover. I’ll go with the audio.

      1. I just checked my library and they don’t have the book in audio but will request it for me from another library. That will work because I already have a stack of audiobooks to listen to this month.

  6. I haven`t read it for the same reasons as you didn`t when everyone was saying read it, I`m sold and will pick up a copy today!

  7. John Green is swoon worthy. I’ve only got one more disc left before I’m done. Admittedly, I’ve had that one disc left since Tuesday. I just don’t want to say goodbye yet.

  8. I have this one on reserve t the library and I had to swoop over to see whether I had reserved paper or audio. It was the paper version. Not a huge audio lover, but maybe…

  9. Just reserved audio version from the library… totally have convinced me. I usually don’t care for young adult book, but all the raving comments convinvced me.

    Jen C

  10. I loved this book even though I so get what the other lovers of JG have criticized. I am so glad the audio was good! I do think that your first John Green read is the most memorable.

    1. If the first is the best, then I think I chose wisely Care 😀 I am listening to Will Grayson! Will Grayson! Right now which I think had to be difficult to write therefore I find it brilliant, but no, it does not have quite the same affect on me as this one has.

  11. I read this a few months back and truly loved it. I found myself writing down each quote that rang true and finally had to stop. I had a “book” of quotes!!! I loved the banter and how there was no prettying up of cancer. It sucks, it’s unfair, it’s maudlin, and it hurts. That was evident and yet still hopeful. Thanks for sharing a great review. Now I will listen to it and re-remember what awesome “voice” this book had!

  12. I am glad you read this one, it really is very good. My students definitely kept it off the shelves as soon as we got it. I think one of the things that I liked best is the attitude of the kids who are sick: they didn’t wallow in it, but lived life

  13. What an absolutely beautiful review, if I didn’t already have The Fault In Our Stars your review would have made me rush out to buy it. I’m kind of wishing that I had it on audio though 🙂

  14. Oh, shoot…I have SOOO many books waiting to be read, but I really need to find time to squeeze this one in – I’ve been wanting to read it ever since its release. Thanks for the great review!


  15. I read this one last month, so really late I guess, but I didn’t do it on audio this time. It still made me cry as I sat on my couch and told my husband how I didn’t see part of it coming. He looked at me like I was crazy, a book with teenagers with cancer and someone has something awful happen to them? How could I not have seen that coming? But cancer was such a backdrop, always there but in the background that I forgot for periods of time that their time might be running out.

Hmmmm... what do you think?