Morning Meanderings… Making A Fail a WIN

Good morning.  🙂

Recently I posted about my book clubs last read, Cleopatra.  Lets just say it did not qualify for our best book of the year.  Lets say…. not even close. 

It has been fun these last few days as I have heard from the girls in the Bookies either call me, text, or Facebook comments about the book and how much they did not like it.

That makes me happy. 😀

Don’t get me wrong, we all know when we are believing a book will be awesome it is a let down when it is not… BUT… some of our best discussions over the past years have come out of bad books.  Its true…

Wuthering Heights.  Out first ever classic read received a scorching review.  I for one liked it… I think because I was so thrilled I had read a classic… but also.. it was fun to diagnose Kathryn in modern terms…. bipolar comes to mind… that woman was either way up… or way down.  No middle for Kathryn.  😀

And this morning I see that Angie from By Book and By Crook has posted her review of Cleopatra.  Angie is an original Bookie, has been on our book group with me since day one.  I think she rocks at choosing books… but we all have our moments… as I reminded her in a comment this morning…

I once chose The Fourth Hand by John Irving for our book club to read…. MANY MANY years ago.  I thought it would be funny… instead it was creepy.  I think one may still rate as worst book we ever tried to read as a group…. HOWEVER…. while I can not tell you what we actually did in that review as that has to go down in the Bookies vault…. I can say…

It was memorable.  😛


On another random bookish (sort of) note, I have my ticket for tonight’s midnight showing of Breaking Dawn.  Yes… I am that crazy.  A couple of my friends are going and asked if I would like to come too…. it really is more about the hour and the friends than it is about the movie.  😀   (Ok… I am a little curious what they did with this one…


23 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Making A Fail a WIN

  1. My son told me a few days ago, “Mom, I am NOT going to this movie with you at midnight, I have to work the next day.” He was a good sport and went with me to Twilight. So I will have to wait until a decent time to go with my sane (er) girlfriends! ;o) Enjoy.

  2. I saw only one Twilight movie (the first), and that was because my grandson wanted me to take him (one of the teens, not the eight-year-old!).

    I did not enjoy it.

    I got my nap that day…..

    I agree with you about discussions around books we don’t enjoy, and how they can be more productive than the discussions over great books.

  3. Have fun at Breaking Dawn! I have never seen any of the Twilight movies, if you can believe it! As for Cleopatra, I am sorry everyone disliked it. I bought it when it first came out but haven’t read it yet.

  4. I’m going to head over to your Bookies site and read the dirt on the book. I think any type of discussion is great but you’re right …usually when someone really dislikes a book comes the most heated conversations!! Enjoy the movie 😀

  5. I will be watching Breaking Dawn on Saturday evening with a group from work. I wouldn’t be able to stay awake if I went to a midnight showing! I hope you have a great time and I can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

    It is true that sometimes good discussion comes out of a book everyone hated. One book group I was in chose to read One Hundred Years of Solitude and the only person who finished it was the person who led the discussion. We still found plenty to talk about, like the reasons we couldn’t get through it!

  6. Now I want to find out what happened at the The Fourth Hand by John Irving discussion!!! 🙂 I join a local book club – and there are books that are definitely more discussion worthy (even if they are not read worthy books 🙂

  7. I wasn’t incredibly fond of Cleopatra either. I thought it did not talk about her enough, but more about the men who surrounded her.

    I’m so jealous of all you lucky midnight Breaking Dawn viewers. 😦 I am going on Saturday though.

    I’ve been MIA lately so I’m incredibly out of the loop. Hope all is well with you!

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