It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello and welcome to another fun addition of It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?

This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner:

Julie at My Book Retreat

WOO HOO!!!!  Please choose an item out of the Reading Cafe Grab Shelves  and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

Oh welcome!  Excuse the mess around here.. I am participating in Banned Book Week and we are right in the middle of it.  If you haven’t been around here in the last week I highly recommend you check out the fun going on… there is a BIG giveaway happening and there are clues towards the grand prize given out each day (check that out here)

Anyway… here is what the past week looked like:

Night by Eli Wiesel – BANNED BOOK – but I did not know it when I listened to this on audio

The Ask and The Answer by Patrick Ness (oh wow wow wow!!!!)

Forbidden by Ted Dekker with a GIVEAWAY COPY!!!

A little info about Banned Books and what is happening around here Sept 24 – Oct 1

Charlotte’s Wed by E B White – BANNED BOOK (yup… you got that right… click the title and see why it is banned!)

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf – BANNED BOOK (no worries… Mrs. Dalloway and I will not be doing coffee together any time soon…

The Banned Book Week GRAND PRIZE event (I hope you join in we are having so much fun!)

As you can see… I have not really been idle this past week 😛

Now for this week.  Banned Books week runs through this coming Saturday so most of my week is dedicated to banned books… here is my current plan:

Click on the cover for description

Click on cover for description

Click on cover for description



Of course I still have my three audio still going and the one I am MOST excited about is:

SO there it is… my week.  I have an extra day off this week and a pretty clear weekend so reading is definitely on the agenda!  😀  I am really excited to see what you are reading this week!

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81 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I loved A Prayer for Owen Meany when I read it in college. I am glad you are highlighting Banned Books. I have a feeling that Charlotte’s Web was challenged because of the death of a character. I will have to check out your link to see if I’m right.

    I don’t understand why people get so upset about books. I support a parent’s right to oversee what their child reads but that doesn’t mean that books need to be removed from shelves so others can’t read them. Ugh.

    1. Christina, yes you are partially right about Charlotte’s Web… but there is another reason it is banned as well… a silly one 😀

      And I get parents knowing what their kids are reading but there are other ways to handle that, just like you said.

  2. The only one of these that I’ve read is A Prayer for Owen Meany. I posted that review last year for Banned Books Week!

    I’ve been busy reading my own banned books, and I desperately hope I have enough time to get them reviewed and posted. My in-laws are coming to town! O_o

  3. I find Banned Book Week is so maddening because the level of ignorance and self righteousness from those that object to books for spurious reasons is just so frustrating. !

  4. Some of the banned books are strange, but it is also so unreasonable that it is frightening what could be termed as “not good” and therefore banned. The mind of some people is so insular……

  5. Glad to be part of banned book week with you; it’s fun to participate in promoting banned books but at the same time the narrow mindedness is very frustrating.
    Have a wonderful week, enjoy your weekend and happy reading 🙂

    1. It is taunting me from the kitchen table Danielle 😛 I am trying to avoid it to read all banned books this week… but at the same time thinking it will probably eventually be banned for some reason so why not get a jump start on it? 😀

  6. The only Toni Morrison book I’ve read is Paradise and it has one of my favorite opening lines, “The shot the white girl first.”

    I’ve heard this one is good, so I think I will read it sometime.

  7. I didn’t realise that A Prayer For Owen Meaney was on the banned books list. One of my all time favourite books. Owen Meaney is an unforgettable character. Hope you enjoy.

  8. Is A Room With a View a banned book? You have to laugh, how can people seriously ban books like that? Actually, I found it a bit boring, but beautifully written. Hope you’ll enjoy it.

    1. Yup. 😀 Thats the one I am reading now. And yeah…. I am having a bit of a Mrs. Dalloway flashback… I think I over killed myself with serious books… there are more recent ones that are banned, I may need to switch it up 😀

  9. I remember reading Night in high school and thinking it was a great book. I recently realized there are two other books that come after Night – Dawn and Day.

    Have a great week!

  10. I’ve never read anything by Virginia Woolf, but I remember hearing that she was a hell of a woman and writer. And Charlotte’s Web? Wow, I had no idea that book was banned/or challenged. it’s a classic and teachers everywhere assign it for reading. I think all of my kids have read it and I remember seeing little groups of girls reading and tearing up over it. Goodness Gracious – some people are crazy trying to control what others are reading. Nuts. Loony tunes. My mom never ever EVER told us we couldn’t read anything and I can’t imagine telling my kids or grandkids what not to read.

    Well, looking forward to what you have to say about Night Circus. I just read a recent review of it, and seems to be interesting and colorfully descriptive, if that makes any sense.

    1. My mom never stopped me from reading anything either Mardel, I can not remember reading anything considered controversial but now I see almost all my Judy Blume books are on the Banned Books list and I read her like crazy!

  11. All summer I have thought about joining in on this, sothis weekend I got my post ready so I could particiapte. I think I need to set it up a little differently next week, but I’m glad I followed through. I am really starting to want to read Night Circus now, but I just ordered four different books this weekend so it is going to have to wait! (oh, as of right now I’ve made 11 comments on other posts, I need to get going but may visit some more later.)

  12. I am new to the book blogging world. I’ve had a craft blog, but this is totally different. I will have to check out banned books, even though I would probably get upset. I have always wondered why people complain about little things. They do the same with movies!

    This is my first visit to your blog and I love it. I will be visiting you more often.

    1. Thanks Kathy – Banned Books amaze me too that is why I like to get the word out about them…. they are not what you would think they would be. I can not imagine a world without To Kill A Mockingbird, and my sons would not be the readers they are today if not for the amazing J K Rowling. 😀

  13. Yay! I won! Thank you so much! I should have gotten a copy of Charlotte’s Web to read to my kids this week. I may have to go back to the library this afternoon!

  14. Beloved is such a classic! I’ve loved that book since I was a teenager. The Night Circus is definitely on my list of books to get and love, but I’m waiting for an author even that’s happening in my area so I can get a copy signed.

  15. Hi, Sheila –
    Wow, there is a lot going on here! I’ll have to check out some of these posts. I read Beloved last year. It is excellent but also very difficult and disturbing to read. Of course, that’s part of what makes it good, right? I think if a book can make you feel something, it’s a good one, even if those feelings are uncomfortable.

    I haven’t read any EM Forster, though I keep meaning to, and I haven’t read that particular John Irving, either.

    I keep hearing great things about Night Circus.

    Enjoy your books this week –


  16. I love all of your Banned Books Week activity! Having a blog means I actually feel like I’m participating in the week this year, instead of silently sitting in a corner and reading whichever books I please in silent celebration.

    I love that The Night Circus is narrated by Jim Dale. How lucky did Morgenstern get that he’s her audiobook dude!? Makes me want to listen to it, even though I’ve already read the book.

  17. I absolutely loved ‘The Knife of Never Letting Go’ when I read it in July but for some reason am yet to get to the rest of the series, which is just plain wrong! Glad you liked ‘The Ask and the Answer’ – I’m relieved to know that the whole series is awesome 🙂

Hmmmm... what do you think?