Morning Meanderings… Non Fiction Overdose

Good morning!  😀 

Did you notice there was no Morning Meandering yesterday?  I just flat-out ran out of time.  I got up early enough but was putting finishing touches on my Small Town Sinners review and got so into that, suddenly I had to rush to get ready to go to work.. and yup – no Morning Meanderings.  EPIC FAIL.  😯

And in other epic fail news… I need a break from non fiction.

I know … that is just so out of the blue… but it is a fact.  I have really noticed for about the past 6 months I have been including at least one non fiction read in each weeks Monday What Are You Reading.  I do not know really when it happened, but suddenly I am really into life stories, memoirs, history, triumph stories…

Last week I reviewed The Devil In The White City and Working It Out.  Both non fiction.  Yesterday I finished the audio of Born Round, also non fiction.  As I reached for the next book on my reading list for the week, I noticed both are non fiction and suddenly… I just wanted something fun… not too heavy, and not too real.  I needed a break from feeling real horror, real sadness, real ….

well… apparently just real.  😛

SO (and don’t laugh) I picked up CUT by Patricia McCormick because it is fiction and it is small.  Of course… not that I am looking at it… I am thinking that may be too serious of fiction so my search for light continues.  😀

DO you ever do that?  Over dose on too much of one genre or subject matter and you have to switch it up?

 2011 Miles:  385


2011 Miles:  50

30 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Non Fiction Overdose

  1. Yes, I do. That’s why I try to mix it up. In winter I usually read one fiction, one non, one fiction, one non. I don’t think that will work anymore though since I’m getting more ARCs to read and review. I did notice there wasn’t a Morning Meandering post yesterday and I missed it. Love hearing what all you’re up to.

  2. I wondered about your Morning Meandering post yesterday, but then I couldn’t remember if you do them every day or not, but I did miss it. I tend to get in ruts where I read the same genre for a while too. I don’t have any rhyme or reason to why I read what I read. If it needs to be reviewed by a certain date, is due at the library or I want to lend it to a friend are all reasons why I will start something. Also, it was sitting close by when I had time to read, I just read a review or I just bought it.

  3. You’re definitely not alone in that. I think you’ve had a long-running go with nonfiction, there; I don’t think I would have made it nearly that long.

  4. i did notice no meanderings yesterday and missed it…..
    you are right on…sometimes you need reading to be fun..not so brain heavy!

  5. You know, I didn’t even notice about yesterday’s post, as I, too, was crazy busy. I guess there’s a lot of that going around.

    I do tend to read a lot of nonfiction, but proportionately, I think the fiction definitely wins.

    And I tend to mix things up. But it’s easy to let things happen that we’re not planning.

    Hope the “break-up” isn’t too painful!

    1. The fiction usually wins for me too Laurel… I dont know what happened they all sneaked in there at once and attacked me! 😛

      I think non fiction and I just cant be so serious…. we need to just be friends. 😀

  6. I call them reading binges, and that happens to me every now and then. I will read YA like crazy, then nonfiction, then science fiction, etc. The year before I started blogging I read nothing but nonfiction for about nine months before I fizzled out. I think that’s my longest reading/genre binge, and I know it’s the longest one I’ve had for nonfiction.

  7. I totally understand the need for change. Been reading a lot of historical fiction lately, and working on a non-fiction, but the end of last week I randomly decided I needed to get a couple of Melissa Marr books from the library (she’s mostly YA paranormal I guess)

  8. I really have to make an effort to include non-fiction in my reading even though I *love* History! Interestingly, it’s clear my efforts have paid off and right now I’ve got three non-fictions going! :-/

    I do read-out genres. I’ve pretty much burnt out on Regency Romances and Tudor Era Historical Fiction. Right now, I’m getting a little tired of the Paranormal stuff too. Do I really need a werewolf, vampire or, zombie to tell me about the human condition?

  9. Yes! I’ve overdosed on the same genre many times and I have to remind myself that it’s good (and exciting) to mix things up a bit. I need to learn to be more balanced with my TBR pile!

  10. I do this all the time. Currently, for me, its books that deal with the breakdown of marriages. Its putting me in a funk and I need to spice it up!

  11. I always try to be reading at least one fiction book and one non-fiction book to keep things balanced but lately I’ve been on a survival story kick in my non-fiction reading.

Hmmmm... what do you think?