Morning Meanderings… A BIG Bike Ride for a great cause

Today I am starting a two day ride for Camp Benedict, the ride I participate in for families infected of affected by AIDS/HIV.  We will start at 8 am this morning and bike 75 miles (with an option to do 100) to camp, then we get up Sunday morning and bike the 75 miles back to Brainerd. 

It’s a great ride and a wonderful team. 

For Saturday Snapshots (Check out Alyce’s blog, At Home With Books for more info) I thought I would post a few pics from last years ride…

Our team 2010
Friend and co-rider last year - Sheila W and Sheila D 🙂
Where we stay overnight (I know... so spoiled!)
Final stop on the way back (day two) me and Connie in the front. Connie is the organizer of the ride and the camp.

See you all tomorrow afternoon 😀

41 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… A BIG Bike Ride for a great cause

  1. You are such a good person! Always going on bike rides and chipping in and blogging about all the important causes. Truly wonderful to read about!

  2. Fun photos and a great ride. I hope this year’s goes well for everyone, it’s nice to see that they put you up somewhere comfortable for the overnight!

  3. You participate in so many fun looking events (they look like fun but would likely kill me if I tried them myself). 🙂 I know how much training goes into being able to ride long distance like that because my husband does similar rides. Good luck on your ride this weekend!

  4. I hope you’re enjoying the ride and there’s been no accidents this time! 🙂

    I think I’m going to have to build myself up to that kind of level. A friend and I went for a bike ride today but only did 3 miles… mind you, it was 3 miles of hills. Still, I need to get fitter and go further.

Hmmmm... what do you think?