It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between!  D  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner:

Lisa’s World Of Books

WOO HOO!!!!  Please choose an item out of the Reading Cafe Grab Shelves  and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

**Updates have been made to the Reading Cafe Grab shelves!

I had a strong review week, mainly because I did not write posts on anything last week and have a lot of catching up to do.  I still have posts to write!  😀 

Here is what last week looked like:

The Zookeepers wife by Diane Ackerman ( a non fiction read that will blow you away!)

Forever by Maggie Steifvater – oh yes…. that’s all I can say right now 😀


Bossypants by Tina Fey – audio) Oh wow… I laughed so hard!  😛


A Change In Altitude by Anita Shreve (ughhhh…. we may have a new character to add to the all time worst characters list…)


E Readers – Yay or Nay?  (Because I love sparking conversations!)


The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch (our June book club read)

Witches Of East End by Melissa De La Cruz ( A BEA pick up on cover love but did not hit a home run with me)


Literary Blog Hop – let me know on the link provided here what book you are wishing for currently and be entered to win one of two gift cards!


Yup.  Told you it was a good week.  😀

As for whats up this week – here is the plan:

With the plague running rampant in London in 1797, Mary’s parents and sister are soon counted among the dead. Left alone and penniless, the eight-year-old is taken in by a gang of orphans and learns survival skills. However, when their leader is killed, Mary decides to try her luck elsewhere. She strips the dead body, cuts her hair, renames herself Jack Faber, and is soon employed as a ship’s boy on the HMS Dolphin. When the vessel sees its first skirmish with a pirate ship, her bravery saves her friend Jaimy and earns her the nickname “Bloody Jack.”

Ok – ok… I have heard enough raves about these audio through the blogs I frequent to have to try them for myself.  I started this one today.

When Uncle Gary mysteriously disappears, all he leaves behind is a mountain of sawdust and a nightstand that his eleven-year-old nephew, Billy, inherits. When Billy is awakened at night by noises from inside the nightstand, he takes a closer look and discovers a hidden panel that opens to an antique maze of wooden corridors. He and his sister Sophie believe that Uncle Gary is hiding somewhere in the nightstand. As Billy, Sophie, and their two friends, Chris and Maggie, begin to explore the ancient hallways they discover far more than they expect. Billy must make a terrifying choice: let the police handle things the conventional way, or escape to the nightstand and try one last time to find Uncle Gary before it’s too late.

Oh come on, doesn’t this sound fun?  😀 

Long before selling secondhand belongings on Ebay and Craigslist was the rage, a preteen Chitoka Webb sold what others saw as junk to the residents of her neighborhood and made a profit. At the age of thirteen, she talked her way into a job as the youngest checker at a local grocery store. Without a college degree, through tenacity, grit, and a healthy dose of faith in herself, Chitoka became the owner of several businesses before the age of thirty.

In Something Inside of Me, Chitoka Webb shares her poignant, funny, and inspiring life story, from her humble beginnings in the Nashville housing projects to her rise as the CEO of several companies. Through stories of the many struggles she faced, from poverty to racism to the loss of her vision, Chitoka demonstrates the amazing human ability to triumph over extreme adversity through willpower, faith, and a constant love for oneself.

I met this lovely lady at BEA this year and her story was one I wanted to know more about!

Introducing James Bond: charming, sophisticated, handsome, chillingly ruthless, and licensed to kill. This, the first of Ian Fleming’s tales of Secret Agent 007, finds Bond on a mission to neutralize a lethal, high-rolling Russian operative called “Le Chiffre”—by ruining him at the baccarat table, forcing his Soviet spymasters to “retire” him. It seems that Lady Luck has sided with 007 when Le Chiffre hits a losing streak. But some people just refuse to play by the rules, and Bond’s attraction to a beautiful female agent leads him to disaster—and to an unexpected savior.

Mmmmm hmmmm, wondering where this came from?  It is part of The Shaken Not Stirred party that I won an audio book to!  Twitter party is Sunday June 26th under the hashtag #shakennotstirred at 9:30 pm EST followed by the watching of Casino Royale at 10 pm.  Should be interesting… I have never watched a 007 movie in my life 😀

The first in a projected trilogy about the lives of three Irish sisters, Born in Fire gets the series off to a fine start, telling the story of talented glass-artist Maggie Concannon’s contentious relationship with Dublin gallery owner Rogan Sweeney. Country-dwelling Maggie is otherworldly, prickly and outspoken, while Rogan is an urban sophisticate; nevertheless, the attraction that springs up between this unlikely pair is both believable and compelling, thanks to Roberts’s (Private Scandals) skillful character development.

Ok – do not laugh at me!!!  Ok… laugh a little 😛  Here is my story – for some reason I have wanted to read this trilogy forever.  Really probably 10 years – oddly enough, I had books 2 and 3 and never picked up the first one.  I found this on and thought lets see where this goes…

Ok – before you say “holy heavy schedule batman”, know that three of these are audio and they are done…. when they are done 😀

A little update on my injury from a couple of weeks ago.  I had a doctor’s appointment this past Tuesday and I was so sure I was going to get a smaller easy to function with (what I mean is easier to Blog but don’t tell my doctor) cast.  Instead, after the x-rays I was given a bigger cast… one that now covers my left hand fingers.  GAH.    You may wonder how I am still typing… totally right-handed peck peck pecks and I use my left thumb for capitals.  Yes…. it is a lot of work…. but I really like to write these posts 😀 

Anyway – my point of sharing all this is that I really want to get around and comment, please know that…  it just takes me longer to do so and I am not as quick and my hand tires so know that once I am “cast free” things will return to my nosing around your posts more :razz:.  I have a doctor’s appointment again Monday afternoon so I am hopeful for a change although he did tell me it could be 6 weeks.  😦

Please add your link to your What Are you Reading post below where it says “click here” so others (hopefully me too!) can stop in and see your reading happenings 😀

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76 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Casino Royale and Born in Fire? You really have a retro week coming up. I liked both books when I read them. Nora is almost always a hit for me. How long are you encased in the newer, bigger cast? Not long, I hope.

  2. I am ready to jump into another Nora Roberts trilogy…this one sounds captivating.

    And oh, I am so impressed by your ability to get this post up! Hang in there….

  3. I hope the bigger cast is very, very temporary! I admire your dedication in getting your blogging done!

    I’ve only read the first Bloody Jack book, but I absolutely loved it. I imagine it would be great on audio! Enjoy your week, and good luck with the mega-cast!

  4. Sorry to read you are still struggling with the cast. Hope you try to rest that arm/wrist!
    I does look like a busy week but the audios will help move them along.
    You have never seen a Bond movie? Really?
    I think I have read Born of Fire – I’d have to check my list from 2001 on. Nora Roberts is usually a reliable and easy romance read.
    I look forward to your thoughts on Bloody Jack.
    Have a great week.

  5. I hope you get a new cast soon!

    I have been wanting to read Bloody Jack. I’ve heard that those books are fantastic. I enjoyed your reviews of Forever (can’t wait to read it!) and The Zookeeper’s Wife.

    I hope you enjoy Casino Royale. I haven’t read it but I liked the movie. Daniel Craig makes a good James Bond 🙂

    Have a great week!

  6. I’m sorry to hear that Witches of East End wasn’t as good as you were hoping…I’ve added it to my TBR list based on the cover too, lol.

    Your poor arm! I hope you get better news when you’re at the doctor this week, that sounds so frustrating!

  7. Casino Royale is my favorite of the Bond movies. Even if it wasn’t an audio book, that book is a pretty short one. I had picked up a copy at a yard sale but haven’t read it yet.

      1. I never really liked the movies until Pierce took over. Never liked Timothy Dalton. In the last few movies the Bond girls seem to be stronger characters to me, and not just a pretty face to seduce. Plus if you like watching British tv shows and movies (like Masterpiece movies or even collaborations like Rome), you’ll see a lot of familiar faces in the Daniel Craig ones.

  8. The last 2 weeks we’ve had so much excitement in our family, one son engaged, younger son has driver’s licence that there has been little time for reading. I don’t know how you do it Sheila! I did manage reviews and blog visiting though. Have a great week and hope you get the news you want at your next dr appointment.

  9. Oh yes…indeed! I couldn’t agree more about Forever! Loved it! 😀

    Hope you have an awesome week, you’ve got some fantastic books to look forward to! 😀

    Happy Reading!

    1. I really only got into two of her series….. The Three Sisters trilogy (to this day a FAVORITE!) and the Three Keys Trilogy. Both have do with women with magical powers…. for some reason, I really like that. 😛

  10. Oh boy – maybe I’m wrong, but I get the feeling you have a bigger cast now because you aren’t resting your fingers/bones like you should be….d’you think maybe someone in your doctor’s office reads this blog? Maybe your doc? of course, I’m probably wrong….but you should take it easy. 🙂

    Meantime, hope you heal fast, and how about that Nora Roberts? a writing maching, between her Nora Roberts books and her J.D. Robb novels, she must have written over 200 books so far…maybe even way more!

    Have a good week. 🙂

  11. I thank you for patiently taking the time to continue posting with your bigger cast, but please, do take it easy so you can heal properly!

    I am tickled that you are listening to Bloody Jack, it may seem weird but once you get to know the characters you will be hooked!

    1. I think so too… I peeked at it a bit last night…. 😀

      And yeah…. I have never watched one… not much for the slinky girls and the dashing what is he? Hit man? FBI? Vigilante? LOL – see I dont even know 🙂

  12. I can’t wait to read Forever. I’m about to preorder it in a second. Hope you are enjoying Bloody Jack! Such an awesome series. I’m working my way through the audio of the last – Wake of Lorelee Lei. 🙂

  13. You are typing like me but in reverse. Me using left hand only. You will be surprised how fast you get. I try to remember to proofread everything, but sometimes on Comments I hit enter too soon and realize I had the caps lock on 🙂

  14. I loved Casino Royale. it’s dated and it’s certainly sexist but so long as you don’t take any of that seriously it can be fun. Hope you enjoy it.

  15. I only visited about 25 but I have the house all to myself and the yard swing is calling me to enjoy the day and get in a little reading. 🙂

  16. I need to read Maggie Steifvater’s books… I’ve heard great things!

    You love sparking conversations and audiobooks? Have you seen my audiobook post this week? It’s regarding changing the narrator of an audiobook series.

  17. I have commented on at least 10 blogs, maybe more…lol
    It’s fun visiting other book blogs to see what is trending.

  18. You know, I’ve never read a Nora Roberts. I see her name popping up all over the book blogs and I’m starting to wonder what I’ve been missing. If I was only ever to read one, which one would you say I should choose?

    This is the first time I’ve participated in weeks because I’ve finally started reading again. It’s a wonderment to me that I can still count on one hand the number of books I’ve finished since Jan 1. That has never happened since I first learned to read at age 4. Crocheting while watching videos took over my life but that is the what not the why which still eludes me.

  19. I just finished Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. I liked the book even if I didn’t exactkey get the ending that I wanted.

  20. I did get to visit 12 other Monday post this week. I was hoping to get back to do some more but thought I’d better post now in case I get busy tomorrow and forget. 🙂

Hmmmm... what do you think?