E Reader – YAY or NAY?

Two years ago you would not have caught me with an e reader. 

No way.

No how.

Not a chance.

I am from the school of a book is a book.  I want to touch it.  Smell it.  Feel its weight in my hand.  Enjoy how it looks on my shelf…. or in a stack… or haphazardly tossed on the coffee table, the couch or the lawn chair.  A book… is not only a book… it is home decor… it is art with reading glasses on top… or perhaps a coffee cup.  A book tells you something about the owner…. they love adventure…. facts… fantasy…. knowing more about whatever….. 

One year ago I was curious… but under the radar curious. 

I still teased the one girl in my book club who had a Kindle.  I gave her all the reasons listed above about the love of books.  BOOKS.  Not electronics.  Yet…. I inquired at the gym when I would see people on the tread mills or ellipticals with the e reader while I had one hand holding open my book. 

Did they like it?  Oh yes was the consistent answer.

I stared reading up on them on-line, on blogs… pros/cons….. and then….

which one?

Obviously there was Kindle…. and then Nook… and a Sony Reader…. 

I made lists of what features I liked and in the end….

I asked for a NOOK for Christmas, and received the NOOK Color (as my hubby the over achiever thought that would be better even though I still have had no use really for the color…)

My final decision on wanting an e reader was mainly for travel.  For years I had packed 6 – 10 books in my carry on for a vacation, lugging them both ways and usually bringing a few more home than what I left with.  Heavy, bulky….. you know….

So when the NOOK arrived prettily under the tree I was quick to set it up….but not so quick to read on it.  The draw of my shelves filled with books always won out over the reader.


BEA – New York, the end of May.  I was going to go E Reader or bust.  I allowed myself one real book for the trip…. and sNOOKie (Wha…. you don’t name your toys?)  sNOOKie was loaded with a few book choices to draw me too it.  And on the plane, after starting with the old stand by book…. I put it down and read Delirium in its entirety on the NOOK.


On the plane I loved that I could set it on the tray table and read it without holding it open.  I thought I would miss that but soon discovered once into the story I was thrilled not to have to hold the book.  It saved my place without a book mark.  It was light weight and east to travel with.  It scored high applause from me.

Now that I am in an arm cast… I love that I do not have to fight to hold a book open.  LOVE IT.

Tomorrow I am road tripping to St Cloud to chat with the NOOK representative.  There is a lot I still need to learn about the NOOK that I have not tried yet.  I want to know more about the online access (have hardly used that).  I still don’t get the color purpose although my friend Angie said it is fantastic for kids books and the pictures move. 

Will I ever go 100% E Reader?  No.  My books are all I stated above and I need to be surrounded by them.  Some people have blankets or nicknacks…. I have books.  Tomato, tomahto….


My questions to you:

1.  Have you gone E Reader yet?  Why or why not?

2.  What E Reader would you choose (or have you chosen) and why?

3.  What ways would you primarily find an E Reader useful in your lifestyle?

104 thoughts on “E Reader – YAY or NAY?

  1. 1. I have an e-reader, but I haven’t “gone” there per se. I do use it for traveling, but I much prefer a book when I’m home.

    2. I have a Kindle. Not because I particularly wanted it, but my husband gave it to me as a gift. I also use my iPad (which I like MUCH better than Kindle for many reasons, most notably that the pages LOOK like book pages and are formatted properly, which is not the case with Kindle.

    3. An e-reader is great for traveling and for the times when I really want to read a new book immediately.

  2. I had never even considered buying one (preferring print books for the reasons you have listed); however, my daughter gave me a Kindle for Christmas (Sparky!).

    I love the ease of acquiring books…download in seconds. I preorder on it, too.

    I was running out of space, so it frees me up from the guilt of acquiring more books.

    However, I still prefer reading print books. I’m going to have to get something for the glare on my Kindle in certain light (it’s not supposed to have a glare, but it does). I do like having it out and about; it’s easier.

    The Kindle was given to me, so I didn’t exactly choose it, but I do love ordering from Amazon.

    So that’s my story….

  3. I got my nook (named NookNook) for my birthday last year. It’s the standard e-ink nook, and I absolutely LOVE it! I love that I can read while eating and don’t have to hold a book open… I love that I can borrow books from the library without going to the library… I love that I can read e-galleys… Honestly, what’s not to love?

    With that said, the new e-ink Nook looks so adorable. I can’t even go play with it at a store because I might want it, but I don’t need it unless something happens to NookNook v.1.

  4. 1. I have but it still hasn’t become my main way of reading.

    2. I have a Sony Reader Daily Edition from when the first came out. I am regretting that decision because the software is clunky and takes forever to load books. I am currently thinking of getting a Nook to replace it and selling the old one back with Best Buy’s trade in program.

    3. I primarily use it to read NetGalley books and other review books that are ebook only. I don’t buy many ebooks at all. I still prefer my paperbacks.

  5. I am starting to really want one, but haven’t gotten one yet. I haven’t even done any research yet. I have so many books to read at home already and have started utilizing the library again, so it seems kind of silly to buy something that I will have to still buy books for. I buy things on sale, use paperbackswap and the library A LOT so I don’t usually spend much on books. I am sure I will go there soon though! I keep hoping that I get one as a gift , it could happen!

  6. I got the NOOK for christmas this year too but have only read one and a half books on it so far..still like the feel of a real book. It would be great for those who travel though.

  7. Yes, I have the cheapest version of Kindle. I have lots of free books on it. But I still like books better. I like to hold them, smell them.

  8. Having this conversation on twitter right now with an author.
    I was offered a Kindle by my lovely partner for Christmas. I turned it down saying, like you, I still love my books.

    I was starting to sway towards getting one this Christmas a couple of months ago, when I started seeing a few advantages, like not having to keep written notes for reviews and quotes.

    Now we are only 6 months into the year I am thinking I will need one this Christmas, not to replace my books, NO WAY, but to read the books that are coming out only in e-book format.


    1. Right Carol – same here. I have not learned how yet but I think you can mark pages to refer back to, look up meanings of words, and highlight areas that really spoke to you. That would be great for reviews and book club discussions.

  9. Nay and for all the reasons you listed. I have lots of books just waiting to be read! I don’t travel so that wouldn’t be a reason for me to get one. It bothers me too that they are always changing. I would buy one and the next day a new and better one would come out! lol
    I don’t really understand them and I’d be afraid, too, of losing all the books I had on it. Also what happens if it breaks. I also like to pass my books on to my friends and family and I couldn’t do that. I don’t think an e reader is in my future.

  10. I’ve got a Kindle and I love it, but due to the amount of books I’ve got in my TBR pile (both bought and for review) I haven’t had as much use of it as I’d like to have. I bought the Kindle in the view of it slowing down the piles of books I’ve got here, but in fact I think it has just given me another avenue of buying books!

  11. My questions to you:
    1. Have you gone E Reader yet? Yes Why or why not? My son gave me his Kindle because he went into the Marine Corp and wouldn’t be needing it. After a few weeks I was totally addicted to all of the free Kindle books and the ease of getting a book. I love being able to eat and read at the same time. I also love all the possibilities just waiting for me in one small package! But I will never stop reading a real physical book. I love them too much!

    2. What E Reader would you choose (or have you chosen) and why? I have a Kindle and would totally recommend it to anyone looking for an eReader. But if $$ were no object I would also have an iPad.

    3. What ways would you primarily find an E Reader useful in your lifestyle? Traveling, eating and reading, free books!

  12. I have had a Kindle for almost a year now, and love it. Like you I was skeptical to begin with, but the more I read about e-readers the more I began to see the advantages. I looked at some other models as well, but ended up with the Kindle for a few reasons:
    – I’m in Norway, so a Nook was out of the question.
    -The Sony E-reader was tempting because it can read epub files, but the selection of available books was not very big (at least not at the time and certainly not in Norway)
    -Although the Kindle is tied to books from Amazon, they had by far the biggest selection of books (and the cheapest)
    -As I mostly read books in English anyway I didn’t need to be able to buy books from Norwegian books sellers (which were non-existent at the time anyway)

    So, the Kindle seemed the best choice, and I haven’t regretted it. I love how easy it is to use, how it doesn’t hurt my eyes when I read, how many books are available for it, NetGalley and how I can fit an entire library on it without taking up any space in my tiny apartment (really, that was the final selling point).

    But as much as I love my Kindle, I will never stop reading physical books. I still read more paper books than e-books, but if anything the Kindle has made me read even more than before. In Norway we have this saying, “Ja takk, begge deler” (“Both, please”) when asked if we would like this or that, and that’s always my response when asked “paper books or e-books?”

    BTW, my Kindle is called Pickwick. 😉

    1. Hilde, great responses!

      I am a big Amazon but love to physically go into my Barnes and Noble, even if it as hour away from me. 😀

      I never compared e book prices on Kindle to NOOK prior to purchase.

      LOVE that you named yours Pickwick!

  13. I have the Nookster and I bought it because of the ability to put library books on it for free! I am still a true book person and find myself reading back and forth between e reader and book. I have traveled with it and LOVED it!

  14. I purchased my Kindle last week, and got it in the mailbox this week. I chose Kindle because of Amazon, and I had already checked its variety of books, a lot also for free. I’ve read one book on it, and in the beginning I choose books that are unavailabe for me, or hard to come by. Afterwards I take it traveling, only time will tell:-)

  15. I’ve had my Kindle (sorry, no name) for almost 2 years now. As a library employee (at that time), I was horrified at first with e-readers. I’d never have one, I vowed. Then my husband needed a new golf something around our anniversary 2 years ago and he said, “Don’t you want a Kindle?”, so he could get his golf thing and I’d get a book-type gift. I said, OK, fine. Well, I got it and promptly left for vacation to Ruidoso, NM. We rented a cabin mostly in the mountains and hubby went to do his golfing and I sat on the beautiful front porch admiring the view and “opened” my Kindle book. It was a good one and had a sequel. I finished and thought, “wonder if I can get the sequel?” – I could and did in mere seconds. I was sold. There I sat, in the moutains, on vacation, reading and buying and enjoying. Came home and told my co-workers, e-readers may have their place in the world – they might be OK. 🙂

    I still read “regular” books. I run about 60-40 between print books and e-books. The funny thing is that I switch back and forth between which is the 60 and which is the 40. Right now, I’m on a 60% print books kick. Great for travelling and ease of downloading books. I don’t care about the internet connection or reading newspapers or magazines on mine. Just books. Love that they lay flat when you’re eating and I can imagine how nice it is in your position with a cast. I don’t see a glare on mine and certainly not as much as on my iPhone. Love being able to get books from NetGalley. They won’t replace regular books for me, but they will make some things easier. I’m in their corner and just glad that so many great things are coming – such as getting books from your library for the e-readers.

    1. Awesome story Kay…. I want that kind of story about mine 😀 I hope to use mine more and like you, I am now ok with there place in the book world.

      I am bummed however that you have not named yours. LOL 😛

      1. OK, how about I name it…..Sheila…because it’s always good on the go, it’s slim and sleek and has unlimited energy – only have to plug it in a little bit and then it’s raring to go again. Not sure if it requires coffee, probably. I certainly do.

        My Kindle is named Sheila K!! ;-P

  16. I’ve had a Kindle for almost two years. I don’t use it all that much, but it’s great for travel – AND, as you’re discovering, an e-reader is ideal for one-handed reading! I did most of my reading on the Kindle during my six weeks of shoulder-surgery recovery this winter.

    I don’t see the e-reader replacing print books for me any time soon, although I suspect my husband would like it to – we’d clear a lot of space in the house if we didn’t have all those books around :-D!

  17. At first I thought I’d NEVER want one. But as more time went by I thought about not having to lug heavy books around. Then I saw one at Staples. They had a large and small Kindle and a NOOK Color. I decided it would be nice to have a NOOK Color for the times when a book would be less convenient. But, I still haven’t gotten one. Maybe soon I’ll break down and get one.

  18. Great discussion as I have been on the fence for awhile now about an e-reader. I am glad to learn that the Nook downloads library books as I am a huge support of our local library. I think the ease of traveling makes one a good idea, but I cringe about Mari’s story. I have a stand thingy that hold my book while I eat so while the e-readers ease of that issue is not a selling point for me. However, the one think I don’t like is I can’t spy on what others are reading unless I walk by and look over their shoulders. LOL

  19. I just got a Kindle last month. I had thought about it for awhile. Like you, I never thought I’d be an e-book reader and then came the time when I was desperate to find out what happened next in a series I was into but the bookstore and library had no copies of the sequel on shelves (New Moon). I ended up buying the e-book. Over the years I slowly purchased an e-book here or there. After Amazon made a Kindle e-reader app for the iPhone and desktop I started buying those too. Though I like the touch screen and lighting of the Nook because of all the Kindle books I already owned I decided to get the Kindle.

    I still prefer physical books rather than e-books. I love shiny new books and deckled edges. I love being able to see my Harry Potter series lined up neatly in a row on my bookshelves. My Kindle allows me to take a bunch of books with me when I go on vacation and I can read Netgalley ARCs on it instead of being glued in front of my laptop. That has been really useful for book reviewing. I also like that it is small enough that I can put it in my purse when I want to travel light. Plus if there is a chunkster book I want to read (like the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon) I can read the Kindle version so it is more comfortable.

  20. Like you, I was not keen on e-readers for a long time. However, I broke down and bought the 1st generation Nook about a year ago. I found I enjoyed reading on it in bed. I loved that my hands were freed up. I have since moved on to the new Easy Touch Nook that weighs less than 8 oz. I gave my husband my older Nook that is in perfect condition. I still prefer reading real books, love the smells and feels of them. And let’s face it, when you are a book reviewer, it is just better to have a real live book to refer to. But for travel, you can not beat them. Glad you decided on the Nook. Let’s keep book stores in business.

  21. This Christmas would be 2 years having my Kindle, no name yet, I can’t think of the perfect name. My partner always says are you cheating on my right now, lol, so I am trying to think of a hot guys name or 3some kind of name, hahahaahaha

    I absolutely love my Kindle and have actually crossed over to preferring to read on it, if I had a choice for a review book I request it on Kindle, I would say i’m 70% reading on it.

    I’m a mood reader so having the thought and being able to read that book in a minute, perfection. The highlighting and notes feature is also great for reviews.

    It also has a Lending feature now but not many books are available to loan.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kindle, no concerns with it at all.

    Can’t believe you named your already.

  22. I haven’t gone digital yet for all the reasons you listed, but if I traveled more I would get one for sure. And I’d get the Nook Color. Glad you like it so much 🙂

  23. Was anti-eReader for a long time, as I love everything about physical books! And I don’t think that a house looks like a home without a few bookcases. Then I thought I might get one just for travel, as I was tired of lugging books back and forth, taking up valuable sourvenir space in the suitcase.

    I have one of the original nooks (Hektor), but have my eye on the new Simple Touch nook. Same size reading screen as mine, but much lighter and cuter! Plus it’s a touchscreen, and doesn’t have that bottom panel. Mainly use it for netGalley and eARCS, and the free eBooks from BN.com of course!

  24. 1. Two years ago, I was belligerently against e-readers. Then, a couple of us were talking about them on Twitter and I found out I could possibly get my textbooks on one (I was in college at the time). That’s when I started thinking about getting one. Coincidentally, Shauna at Book Giveaways was giving away a Sony Reader so I decided to enter. And I won! So that also answers number two. I really like it though. It serves its purpose. and now I have an android phone so I can get Kindle books on it!
    3. Admittedly, I really don’t use it that much, but it has been great for review books and giveaway books won in e format and I love the free books in the public domain. I rarely travel by plane so that’s not an issue, but it might be someday. 🙂 I still prefer good old-fashioned paper books though! I just love to sit and look at books on the shelves. It’s art in my eyes!

  25. I had so much to say about this I went and wrote a post first to get it out of my system. :Friday Forays in Fiction: eBooks?

    I meant to say eReader in the title and didn’t catch the mistake before posting.

    One thing I didn’t go into in my post was how much I still love the physical book, the visceral sensation of handling them, of gazing upon stacks and shelves of them. The room I live in is crammed with them. i guess it just goes without saying for anyone who has more than glanced at my blog.

    That said, I have never seen eReader’s as threatening the ‘tree’ books or wanting eBooks as disloyalty to them. They have different roles. Space saving, portability, quick access etc are all great pluses but the biggest by far for me is control of font size because of my visual impairment.

    But, I don’t yet have one of the dedicated eReaders. I have, though, been using my netbook and the laptop before it as an eReader for several years. I got really into collecting classics in the public domain the year our libraries lost funding for six months.

    In my ideal world, my netbook and eReader wouldn’t need to be two devices. But the netbook has a ways to go to equal the Kindle or Nook in portability and battery life so I still drool over the pics of them.

    My netbook is an emachine so I sometime call it emma and sometimes emo. Depending upon my mood or how cooperative I feel it’s being. i once considered nettie but it didn’t stick. 🙂

    1. Awesome thought here! I have to read your post too! 😀

      I have never tried reading on my laptop, but then I wonder why as I have no trouble reading blogs or articles on it….

      Love the Emma or Emo 🙂

  26. I have an original Kindle and loved it UNTIL I got my IPAD. I downloaded the Kindle APP and WOW WOW WOW, What a difference it was to be reading on my Ipad. To see the books in color, and kept in Alphabetical Order. The pages look real on the Ipad and the lighting is hands down, far better than the Kindle. Sadly, I don’t even pick up my kindle anymore. I carry my IPAD EVERYWHERE with me. But like you, because I review I still have the best of both worlds! Reading on my IPAD and out of real books 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Wow Loren – that was a great push for IPAD! I have to learn more about my NOOK, I have no idea if it can alphabetize my e books, etc… I do like the size of the IPAD for reading, although I have never used one.

      Have a wonderful weekend as well 😀

    2. Same here, except just replace nook for Kindle. My poor nook never gets used now that I have an iPad. And as much as I know the backlit screen is harder on the eyes, I love reading on the iPad. The page flip is spectacular, the screen is great, the battery life is awesome, and my email is just a click away. 😀

  27. I just got my Nook Color earlier this year. What finally convinced me to get one was the idea of getting magazines on it and not having to store physical copies to keep (although I’ve yet to even get one on the thing), and since I drive a lot for work and sometimes travel, I liked the idea of being able to get online with it, and not need my laptop. So I got the Nook Color. Plus it was very highly rated by the CNet editors.

    I like to read in the mornings when I have breakfast. Its usually my guaranteed time for reading. With the reader, I can read (or check out the freebie friday selection) while I’m eating and not have to wait until I finished (I usually have breakfast in front of the tv, listening to the news). Also, I recently took a trip to Boston, and I took one paper ARC, my nook, and a volume from complete works of Shakespeare set I got at Barnes and Nobles years ago (which are itty bitty) for backup. I used my Nook to get my email, and to double check websites for train times and museum info. Then I stuck it in my purse so I could read on the trains (took mass transit instead of rental car). And I played angry birds, if I wanted a break from reading. Saved packing the laptop, so I could pack the books I bought on vacation in the laptop section of the bag.

  28. I’ve been having this very same internal discussion this week! I was determined to stick to print books, but then I got curious and… well, that was it. My shiny new Kindle arrived this morning! I really wanted to start cutting down the number of paper books I was bringing into my overflowing flat, so hopefully the instant-gratification ease of the Kindle will help stop me buying stuff until I want to read it!
    If you’re interested, this was the inner debate as laid out on my blog:
    And this was the moment I fell spectacularly from my lofty print perch!

  29. 1. Have you gone E Reader yet? Why or why not?
    I LOVE my NOOKcolor! I was like you with all the reasons you stated again e-readers. And then my eye doctor said it was time to start thinking of bifocals. I was so afraid that I would have trouble adjusting to them so I decided a NOOK would be much more fun. With the NOOK I could just adjust the size of the print so I can easily read it.

    2. What E Reader would you choose (or have you chosen) and why?
    I chose the NOOKcolor because I have a Barnes and Noble near me and I wanted one from that company. I love the touch screen and ease of going online.

    3. What ways would you primarily find an E Reader useful in your lifestyle?
    What I love about it is that I can easily read at night! I used to have my bedside lamp on and two book lights. Now I just read with my NOOK!

  30. I have been struggling with this idea for a while. I love the one-handed (or no handed) ability of an e-reader. With my carpal tunnel problems it would be perfect since I would maybe be able to read for longer than 15 minutes at a time! BUT, I am a tightwad. it’s not necessarily the price of the devive, but the cost of the books that is concerning me. I do mainly library books, except for book club books. Would I use it enough to justify the cost? I just don’t know what to do. I wish my hubby would buy me one for a gift then the decision would be out of my havds! lol

    1. LOL Angie! I agree with the book cost but Netgalley is awesome and has a wide assortment of genres and publishing companies offering their books that way! Go look at Netgalley and see the books…. and more are added each week.

      I have purchases two books on my NOOK, the rest are NetGalley. 😀

  31. I felt like you too but finally succumbed and bought a Nook color at the end of April and all I can say is I love it. One device that now houses over 100 books – fantastic! My shelves are overflowing with books and the piles on the floor are starting to topple over. The Nook stops that nonsense. Okay, to a degree. There is no way I’ll ever stop acquiring physical books. TBG likes the idea of not having to take the laptop on vacation as we can access e mail from the Nook. Glad to hear you are enjoying yours.

  32. I have a Kindle and an iPad, but I still read most of my books the old fashioned way.

    My mom has been sick, so I never got around to signing up to participate in the Literary Giveaway Blog Hop. I have a June Giveaway going on this month at my blog, and I’d love to invite you to stop by and throw your name in the hat for this book! It’s a US giveaway only this month, but next month, I’ll be offering an international giveaway for an Amazon card.

    If you follow my blog, let me know. I always follow back.

  33. I was in the same boat as you-I did not see the reason for one and I love books. However once Apple launched the IPAD I felt differently-I probably bought the IPAD more for the web and apps-however my office is on my laptop and I do not want to take it with my on vacation so the IPAD serves the purpose of giving me the web and allowing me not to drag 40 books on vacation with me. It is only 2 weeks old so I am still learning it.

  34. I love my Kindle…I love buying books for it…I do not enjoy bookstores the way I used to…I love reading about books on line and I prefer the speedy few second delivery of my Kindle. I just spent an entire week giving away about 400 books…and it feels so amazing to not be held down by them any more!!!

  35. Two Christmases ago I quite wanted an ereader (even though they were so expensive I couldn’t justify it at all). Last Christmas, I actually decided I didn’t want one. My rationale: There’s so much chaos in the market right now! A new device comes out — or they update an old one — practically every month or so, and some books are only available on one platform but not the others … it’s just a mess. I’d like to have one, I think, mostly for travel. But I’d really like the market to settle down and books to quit being exclusive to certain readers/formats. I also haven’t heard good things about the copy-editing of ebooks, which would really bother me. As would the lack of intentional design. Oh, and I’m also concerned about DRM. $10 or whatever is a high price, IMO, for a digital copy of something that I don’t have full rights to read, that might be stolen back …

    1. Great points Hannah. I was at B & N today talking to the help desk and trying to understand my NOOK a little more. I picked up a book about it so that should help.

      I have only purchased a couple books from B & N and the rest are Netgalley. I also learned today about Freebie Friday where they give away an e book each Friday – we will see how that works out, she helped me get this past weeks book which looks good,

  36. I got my Kindle when it was first released a few years ago, so it is pretty old school. I was enthralled with it at first but then I didn’t use it for a year and a half. Now I am back on the bandwagon and use my kinlde probably about 40% of the time. The biggest perk for me is downloading samples so that I can decide whether or not I like a book before I buy it, whether in e-form or from the bookstore.

    I love love love that you named your nook sNOOKie!

  37. I’m like you, originally hated the idea of an e-reader, but am slowly coming round to the idea, it would never replace real books for me but I can see the sense in one.

    Still not sure if I’m quite ready to take the plunge though

  38. I have a nook, not a whole lot of thought went into the process of getting a nook. I simply like B&N coffee and I spend a lot of time there so I got a nook. If Amazon had given me coffe I’d probably would have gotten a kindle LOL. I got it last year and I was still in uni, and you know moving every six months and carrying around all those books was just a pain so yeah go ereaders!

  39. Sheila, I was/am EXACTLY like you. But my mom gave me a Kindle for Christmas–unexpectedly. I was speechless because I didn’t want one. Then my husband leaned over and said…”do you still listen to 8-tracks?” Okay, point well taken. I need to get a move on into the 21st century. I’ve used it and I LOVE it. I still LOVE real books too and will never be completely without them.
    Have a good day.

  40. I bought my Nook (no name) a year ago. I had a debate with myself about buying an ereader since I use the library so much and I also have stacks of real books around the house. But technology won out! I chose the Nook because I live in between two Barnes and Noble stores (10-15 minutes away) and because I can download books from the library onto it I have actually gone to B&N and read a book there, one hour at a time. I’ve also downloaded several books from the library and many of the free books from B&N. [In fact, I’m enjoying one of the free books (Billy Boyle) now. I would probably never have picked this one up at the library or book store.]

    While I am still plowing through my stacks of real books, I love many things about the Nook–being able to download samples, being able to go on vacation without lugging lots of books with me (and having more choices since I have so many loaded on the Nook). The thing l love most is being able to read while I eat and even while I dry my hair. The one thing I don’t like is not being able to see how many pages are left in a chapter, but I have heard that this is a feature of the new Nook. I use my Nook every day and using it has actually increased the amount of reading I do.

  41. I purchased a Kindle almost a year ago. I have to admit it took me awhile to jump on the ereader train. I am glad that I have my Kindle. I still enjoy going to the book store and to the library. I don’t think that owning a Kindle means I have to read ebooks only. For me, the Kindle and reading print books can co-exist together. I love that I can download sample chapters and organize my books into collections. I like the convenience of the Kindle. The first book I purchased I finished on the train to NYC. I didn’t bring another book with me, so I purchased another book WHILE ON THE TRAIN! And after I did that, I was immediately sold on my Kindle. I don’t travel much, but when I do the Kindle has been convenient to have. I have the 3G + WiFi model so I can shop in the Kindle store whenever I want. Now that it’s summertime, I enjoy reading outside and I have taken my Kindle to the park with me, reading in my car during lunch, or outside on my deck. I do want to read more on it though. I have so many unread books on my shelves and several library books checked out at a time, so I tend to read those first.

  42. I’m still ‘nay’ on e-readers. I can definitely see the pros of having one while traveling, but since I’m a homebody with little vacation time, I’m going to stick with my hordes of books for now 😉

    Also, I LOVE that you named your Nook sNOOKie. Another plus of getting an e-reader is that I would have another toy to name. Although, now I’m realizing that I haven’t named our ipad. That’s going to have to change.

  43. I have an e-reader — a Kindle. I love it. I like it for travel (many books, little space), reading chunksters (I hate holding 500+ page books — too heavy) and being able to read the same book on my iPhone, Kindle or iPad so I can sneak in some reading regardless of where I am. I think there is a great use for e-readers and any serious reader should consider one.

  44. I have all 3: Sony, Kindle and Nook. But that doesn’t necessarily make me an e-reader. I love the idea of it but I still love my books. It has served its purpose with some fantastic deals that I would not get with paper books, with finding old vintage mysteries to read that I don’t necessarily need on my bookshelves and grabbing a book for book club that I waited until the last minute to read and now I do not have to go anywhere to get a copy.

    The way I do not understand their functionality is on the beach. I mean, are e-readers steal worthy? It just seems that leaving an old bent up paperback on my beach chair to chase kids or swim, does not have the same eye-catching appeal as a nice elegant e-reader.

    I also do not like that I cannot share my favorite reads with my friends. Yes, I know about the loan feature but it really seems quite worthless to me at this point.

    I do not think I can even compare e-reading and book reading. To me, they are two separate past times.


  45. I LOVE my Kindle Sheila! I remember that when we had dinner in the Twin Cities last fall you weren’t quite ‘ready’ for an e-reader yet…it doesn’t take much does it? lol

    I like not having to hold the book open. I do a lot of my reading over my lunch hour and it just wasn’t convenient to try to keep the book open and keep turning pages while eating my lunch at the same time. Quite often I used my stapler as a weight to keep the book open but then would have to stop eating to move the stapler and turn pages….much quicker with the push of a button on my Kindle!

  46. I do have an eReader — an iPad — and I absolutely love it. I am considering getting the boyfriend a kindle though. I went with the ipad because I loved the idea of being able to download apps that would enable me access to a number of different booksellers. I shop around for the best prices and buy my books accordingly. I love buying from the apple bookstore because the books run on the gorgeous ibooks app which I adore. Anyhoo, I will also never give up on books, but my experience with my iPad has been promising to say the least.

Hmmmm... what do you think?