My Journey With Audio Books – and a GIVEAWAY for you!

Today is the kick off to audio book week (thank you Jen at Devourer of Books!)and I could not be more THRILLED!  I listen to as much audio as I read books…. some weeks, audio beats out the books.  Now – before you non audio book listeners click off this page, bear with me because really – this post is for you.  😀

Those of us who listen to audio know how awesome it is… yet I know from many of my readers, they think it is all good and well for me… but they really couldn’t possibly.  SO let’s take a little journey together shall we?

It’s fall 2009 and I have several trips I need to make to Grand Marias Minnesota.  this is a 4 hour drive, one way from my home.  Now normally, I am an 80’s rockin’ to the music kind of gal… but 4 hours of hard pounding tunes in my head (even if some are pop music – yup… I said it :razz:), gets to be too much.  At that point… I would rather listen to silence.

But this particular fall is different… as I am  fairly new to the book blogging world and recently had discovered Hachette Audio.  They gave audio books away to listen to and review.  Seriously new concept for me.  SO sure enough, in my jeep I have an audio book… it is James Patterson’s Worst Case (the Michael Bennett series – and yes…totally the third book in the series but how would I have known that?)  Anyway… I popped the audio into my vehicle and I was hooked.  The story grabbed me and while making the long haul to Grand Marais, I was able to get deep into the story – loving the sound effects, the narrator, EVERYTHING.

I ask myself, “Where can I get more of this?”

So that is where it began – but it only lead to more… I had to have more.  I loved it and I could listen to audio when I was unable to read a book.

*Hand waving rapidly back and forth*

“But Sheila, I can’t listen to audio – I can’t stay focused on it and it puts me to sleep!”

I hear that a lot.  So here’s the thing.  I can not just get cozy in a chair and listen to audio.  I would be passed out in no time or my mind drifting to something else…. like if there is ice cream in the house, or is the DVR is set up right to record Survivor…. HOWEVER as many of us readers are multi taskers, here is how audio works, and when it works for me:

  • In the car – I have audio all the time.  I listen to it to work, to the grocery store, everywhere…. and road trips where I am riding alone – it is awesome and passes the time!

  • While mowing the lawn.  We have a big lawn.  On the rider I still invest 3+ hours on the lawn once, sometimes twice a week.  I pop in my ear buds on the IPOD and mow to a story… now instead of singing while I mow and scaring the neighbors, I can laugh out loud or cry and let them think I am crazy.  😛

  • While cooking.  I don’t have the patience to stay in the kitchen.  I have to start dinner, then move on to something else which usually means I forget about dinner.  Dinner dies.  BUT now I listen to audio Cd’s in the kitchen and I hang out…. its like it calms me and suddenly I enjoy chopping vegetables, and cleaning up while an audio is on.  I am happy – my hubby is really happy.

  • While Cleaning… if I am working on one room I place the audio where I can listen to it and go to work.  I enjoy the work more, and get a book in on the side.  “Look ma – no hands!”

  • Getting ready in the mornings.  I spend about 30 minutes average a day in the bathroom in the morning.  I keep my IPOD speakers in there and can listen to audio while I get ready for my day.

Audio doubles my “reading” in a year.  There are books I would probably never get to if it were not for audio.  I am more daring with audio… I listen to classics on audio, and non fiction as well as fiction.  You may be amazed at what a great narrator can do. 

*hand shoots up*

“But Sheila…. audio can be pricey…”

True.  However check your local library.  Ours has a wide variety of audio and is connected to many more libraries in the state so I can reserve from another library on-line and have it delivered to my library within days of the request.

Also – is your friend.  I signed up last year and right away you receive two free audio, after that you receive a credit a month to pick one out for 7.99.  No contract – you cancel anytime.  AND they have wonderful sales – a couple of months back I picked up quite a few for 4.95 each.

That all being said – audio and non audio listeners alike, here is my challenge to you.  This week… start an audio.  Any audio… once you have listened to it come back here and link your review to this post.  I will make a side bar contest link so you can find it.  If you are not a blogger, you can still participate by coming back after you have listened to an audio and share in the comments what you listened to – where you listened to it and what you thought of it. 

In two weeks from today I will draw a name using out of those who link (or comment) about an audio they listened to and the results.  (If you have a blog – I would prefer you also link your review of the audio).  The winner will receive an audio sent to them from Amazon of a value of $20 or less before shipping.

That’s it – happy audio week everyone – let the festivities begin!  😀

** When you have your audio reviewed – link it below to be entered!

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

60 thoughts on “My Journey With Audio Books – and a GIVEAWAY for you!

  1. I’m like you – I use audio for pretty much any situation where I can’t have a book in my hands! (Though thankfully I don’t have a lawn to mow! You rock for doing that!). Right now I’m listening to my 3rd Nelson DeMille/John Corey book. Holy cow…these audio books are awesome. Scott Brick reads them and he’s got the wise-cracking detective down like it’s nobody’s business!

    Can’t wait to read more of your audio reviews…I’m always looking for good ones!

  2. When I was teaching second grade…I used audio books with my students who were not fluent readers but they had to follow along with the actual book…I would not let them just listen…perhaps it is the teacher in me…I just can not do it…

  3. I usually listen to audiobooks in my car on the way to work and on the long drive to visit my family. Unfortunately my CD player is very picky and won’t let me play new CDs. That means I can listen to beat up CDs of the Harry Potter books over and over but if I want to try something more recent-forget it!

    I have tried to listen to audiobooks at home but it never works as well because inevitably I will have to leave the room at some point and I hit pause and forget about starting it up again. My library has Playaways so I am curious about trying that to see if I’d be more successful. For now it is me, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, every morning on my way to work.

  4. Great post Sheila… excellent advice. You must multitask or listening can put you to sleep. Audiobooks are an acquired skill. It took me a bit but now I’m definitely there.

    I started listening while gardening. I would listen for hours at a time. I stayed in the garden longer. Weeds beware!

  5. I haven’t gone on any trips lately, and I try not to do housework! LOL And we have a gardener…minimal cooking…there.

    What’s left?

    I don’t have an iPod, either, or I could take the book on walks. Hmm. But I do have an audio of Private, by James Patterson. I may have to consider some possibilities….

  6. What a great post! I’m taking a long roadtrip in a few weeks and I’ve been toying with the idea of getting an audio book to listen to in the car. Your post sealed the deal for me!! Thanks for the great suggestions :).

    1. OH YAY!!!! Rebecca that is exciting! Look at some of the audio posts this week to be sure you find a good one! 😀

      The Art Of Racing In The Rain is fantastic and so is One Good Dog and the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (if you like non fiction)

  7. I want to add It’s a free public domain audiobooks site. It’s volunteers reaidng the books, so some have been iffy. But others have been excellent. I love them.

    I don’t get much audio books time in these days. Whenever my son is NOT blabbing, I love peace and quiet. I’m currently listening to Hans Christian Andersen stories, but I don’t think I’ll finish and review it in the next two weeks…It’s slow going for me.

  8. Awesome! I love audio books. I haven’t found a way to listen to them in the house yet – my husband thinks I’m nuts when I have one running in the family room. I’m listening to one right now where the author is the reader. OMG – love that. I hope to finish it within a week or so and I’ll be back!!

  9. Dear God, I love you and I love this post! I nodded my head in agreement throughout. We are so alike, too. No audiobook (nightmare as you know), 80s music. I listen to audiobooks in all the same places you do and I agree with your advice about the cost. Beautiful post.

  10. i, too, love audiobooks…currently i am listening to ‘the island’ by elin hilderbrand.

    great post, sheila 🙂

  11. What a great post on audio!
    I’ve just started getting into audio this year. I’ve been listening to the Count of Monte Cristo when I walk my dog, clean my apartment, cook etc. I find it’s a great way to pass the time and it’s wonderful when life demands my attention but I just want to read. 🙂

    Also thanks for enlightening me about Audible. I didn’t really know how it worked. I’ve just been using the library. Sounds like a great deal and I will definitely be checking it out.

  12. I think I linked up…not sure. I’ll check it to make sure later.
    I now love audio books…. and I am done with my last book, and I don’t have a credit yet this month!! I might have to go upgrade myself on

    Have a good evening!

  13. Since I am autistic, I can’t listen to audio while doing something else. I either block out the sound of the audio and focus on my task or I listen to audio and forget doing the task. But I can listen to audio in the car or bus. Or before I go to sleep. In stead of watching TV, I listen to a bedtime story 🙂

  14. I have listened to almost all of the Joann Fluke books on audio! I still get the printed books for the recipes in them, but the mysteries are so much more fun and ‘alive’ when on audio! Try one!

      1. You’re welcome to keep trying, I’m open to that. Here’s my latest round of realizations / excuses:

        The only CD player in the house is the computer. If I put a CD in there, it starts automatically ripping it to iTunes, which I don’t necessarily want it to do. I only drive very, very rarely. :-/

  15. I used to be one of those disbelievers who thought audiobooks might ruin a book. I couldn”t have been more wrong! I listen to audiobook on my commute, when I’m getting ready for work, (…cough in work cough…) and absolutely everywhere else I can!

    All those times you’re gutted because you’ve got to put down the book in order to sort the ironing…well, with audiobooks the story just comes with you. I can almost ENJOY the mundane chores now that audiobooks are my new obsession!

    I review a bunch of audiobook on my fairly young blog:

    I’m not sure if the giveaways is international, but that’s cool. I’m just happy to comment on a post which sings audiobook praises!

  16. I LOVE audio books. I drive 31 miles one way to work, and also do a lot of trips to the Mpls/St. Paul area; so audio books make the time pass so much quicker!

  17. Yay, how would you know it was the third book? That is my biggest publishing pet peeve, the doing away of labeling where the book falls in a series. My gosh, it irritates greatly when I have to search around to know if I am getting book 2, 4, or 1.

    Anyway, I love audiobooks. I have probably been listening to them maybe only 2 years. They have such a purpose; can “read” some great stories while driving, and cleaning my home. However, I cannot listen to audiobooks while organizing, writing, or paying bills.

    I am currently listening to an audiobook, but it is a lengthy book so I know I will not be finished with it in two weeks; more like a month at 40+ hours of listening time.

    Great giveaway Sheila; you’ll make someone’s listening day. 😀

    1. LOL – I was so new when they offered it for review I just thought it was book one… I actually listened to that series on audio in reverse order – 3,2,1….:razz: I still loved them… GREAT series – my fav of Patterson’s.

      40 hours…. wow. What are you listening too?

      1. I stand corrected, the book is only 30 hrs 31 minutes long. The book prior was 41 hrs 37 minutes long. I am reading…um listening…to A Crown of Swords, book 7 in Wheel of Time Series. The book prior was book 6 in the series. It takes me about a month to get through these books. I do, however, mix in actual reading too…listen to the audio, read where I left off in the audio, and then forward the audio to where I left off in the reading. I do that towards the end of the book and the beginning, but the middle is all audio;usually. It works for me with these books.

  18. I like audiobooks.I listen to them when I am cleaning my house, cooking, working in my garden and walking and on trips in the car.I like Debbie Macomber audiobook called A Cedar Cove Christmas .I listened to it while I was working in my garden and later when I was walking .

  19. another audio fan! always luv being read to “)
    free monthly audio book to dnld at so that helps add to your listening choices without cost! another good offer always at
    so my excellent listening choice for this contest has been Ian Cron’s newest – ‘Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me’. read by Ian. to me! right in my own home, out on my balcony relaxing in the sun with an iced tea and my feet up! and i LUVED it ! thx for asking “) HaPpY listening peeps! highly recommended…

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