Morning Meanderings: Is It Possible To Be More Of A Book Addict Than I Already Am?

Good morning! 

*fumbles for COFFEE Cup*

I keep thinking I am over the tired of last week and then suddenly I feel wiped out again.  I passed out in the recliner yesterday at about 5 pm and slept until 6:30….


Anyway… I am still soaring high from BEA and just in awe of everything book related, the new people I met, the emails I am getting, the organizing of books, the choosing what to read first out of these lovely works of art….

books are my form of art….

Anyway – last night I came upstairs to see that when Al came home he had brought up my BEA box #2 and put it on the counter.  What a man to carry that all the way up from our business (which is behind the house quite a ways back) as that box was 46 pounds.  I was excited – but it was almost midnight so I decided until this morning to dig into it…. it kind of is like Christmas as this box was packed on day one of BEA and I had no idea any longer what was in it…

This morning, I opened it up (sorry… I had no clever idea for a book spoof so you will have to live through yesterdays for a while longer… :razz:)

Secret Legacy and Dark Legacy by Anna DeStefano (I spoke with the publisher on this one and they put them in that cute little bag you see behind then.

First Drop Of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost (I am curious, not sure if it a fit for me – but it is audio and that is something I am always looking for!)

Witches Of East End by Melissa De La Cruz (Gorgeous cover!!!)

Sleight by Kirsten Kaschock (curious about this one!)

5 Love Languages of Appreciation In The Workplace (well who doesn’t like that?  LOL)

Following Atticus by Tom Ryan (look at the puppy!)

An Uncaged Eagle by Richard Toliver (wow.  I wound up talking to this author for about 15 minutes about his book.  It sounds really powerful).

Life Is Not A Stage by Florence Henderson (curious about this one… I do like the occasional memoir)

Oh Beautiful by John Paul Godges (This author tells me there are some Minnesota moments in this one!)

Living Beyond Your Feelings by Joyce Meyer (I will admit – I am not a big fan, but I have a friend who is that I can pass it to – or to my library)

Nazareth Child by Darrell James (This one looks good and had peaked my interest!)

Tuesdays At The Castle by Jessica Day George (I like the occasional middle grade and this one looks good!)

Escape From Zobadak by Brad Gallagher (another awesoem looking MG)

Agent 6 by Tom Rob Smith (author of Child 44 – what a writer!)

One Day I Will Write About This Place by Binyavanga Wainaina (I could not pass up such a cover…..)

Forbidden by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee (this is actually a read a long book I am doing later this year!)

Coffee Talk by Morton Satin (all about coffee.. what’s not to love?)  😛

We All Wore Stars by Theo Coster (Memories of Anne Frank by her classmates)

Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler (VERY curious about this one – reading the back it has a 13 reasons Why feel to it)

Vampire Empire by Clay and Susan Griffith (I talked tot his couple at BEA)

What Happened To Good Bye by Sarah Dessen (I have read and enjoyed this author before)

Pure by Julianna Baggott (wow what a cover – and 429 pages!)

OOH!  Audio!  And SWAG! (I am getting lazy writing all these titles out, so if you have questions about these ask me in the comments.  😀

Fury by Elizabeth Miles (wowza…. cover love!)

GLOW by Amy Kathleen Ryan (I have heard good things about this one!)

The 39 Clues – Medusa Plot (Had to grab this one – the whole 39 clues concept I think is brilliant and fun for young readers)

The Art Of Fielding by Chad Harbach (no idea what this one is about but people seemed excited about it…)

The Ambition by Lee Strobel (I have not read Strobel in a long time and I am curious about this new to me title)

The Maid’s Daughter by Mary Romero (interesting… looks to be a true story and was categorized under the genre social sciences) 

Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins (looks like a fun rainy day read!)

After Obsession by Carrie Jones and Steven Wedel (loving this crazy cover…. wishing I could do that….LOL)

The Soldiers Wife by Margaret Leroy (looks good!)

The Orchard by Theresa Weir (oh I like the looks of this one too!)

So that is the end of the BEA books.  Both boxes made it safely and intact.  I have been trying to capture their release dates to try to read them around that time but wow – many of them release on the same day (and I wonder again – how important is sleep?)  😛

I still have BEA posts to write – I will be working on that a bit this morning as it really is one of the highlights of my year.  This afternoon my friend Wendy and I are joining in on the Twin Cities bike club ride in Nisswa for 30, maybe 60 miles, we will see how we feel as we are planning to do the Tour Of Lakes tomorrow too and that one is a 60 (hopefully).  I need the exercise – I have had a three-week sabbatical and man…. I feel it.  (Probably why I keep snoozing…)  😀

50 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings: Is It Possible To Be More Of A Book Addict Than I Already Am?

    1. I just got done adding them all to my Google calendar by release date (something new I am trying) so I will try to read them close to that time.

      Currently reading Forever. Then Jerusalem Wife for a book tour next week. 😀

  1. More great books! I am on a retention committee at work and was thinking I should re read the 5 love languages and try to transfer that to the workplace. How cool that the very next day you tell me that there is a work place version.

    I’ve been using Google calendar to schedule my reviews, but I should enter all the books so that way the ones that I haven’t gotten to get attention too. Great idea.

    1. The books is coming out this fall Teresa – and yeah, the 5 love languages is an awesome read as you know. 😀

      I am liking the calendar as I tend to forget release dates. This is a better way for me to acknowledge they are in my home 😀

  2. OMG! What a lot of books…and your hubby carried that gigantic box upstairs? No wonder you keep him around…LOL

    I don’t recognize many of these titles…some of them look really intriguing, like Sleight and Pure…the titles alone hint at really good stuff inside.


    1. Many are new titles to me too Laurel. And Al did carry it about 2 blocks behind our house tot he house. He didnt tell me it was here as I was down stairs when he did this, so maybe he was exhausted by the time he got it up here….LOL 😛

    1. I was thrilled about the audio too Alison – I had three more, but the signed ones were part of the “stolen” group. *sigh*…
      Oh well.. moving on 😀

      I have 4 reviews already set up for next week… I have been stocking up on my audio posts 😀

  3. Woo! You’re going to be busy! That’s so many books!

    I’ve seen a few people complaining that there wasn’t that much to be given away at BEA this year. After seeing your haul, I’m not sure that’s the case!

  4. I can understand your Christmas reaction and your cover love! Some look hard to resist. I will be curious to hear how you enjoy the different offerings. 🙂
    The MG books do look interesting.
    I was really curious about PURE which has no description yet at Amazon so I went searching. It is dystopia and I am on that kick right now when I can fit them in. But this isn’t scheduled for release till next year. 😦 It has a movie deal though!
    I guess along with the trip budget to save for next year I’ll have to include a book budget!
    Happy, Happy Reading to you!

    1. OOH – good research Martha – I do like it when they have a movie deal… i love to read books and then see how well the movie matches what I was thinking… (its a sickness. I know…) 😀

      1. Oh! I think we missed each other there (communication-wise). I meant that the third pic from the top had some of the books that are most exciting to me.

          1. Hey, no worries! 😀 I’m not a big fan of 3D (since I already wear glasses, having to add another pair on top is uncomfortable and difficult). You?

    1. Cindy I have been so tired all week and then because I am apparently crazy I stay up until like midnight and then drag myself to bed. I knew if I opened it – then I would dig through it… if I dug through it I would start taking the pictures… if I took the pictures … I would start writing the post out of sheer excitement… next thing you know… its 8:00 am and I flat out sleeping at my kitchen table. 😛

  5. Squee! So many awesome books, and the coffee book must have been made just for you! 🙂

    Am going to try your Google calendar idea, as my post it reminders aren’t working. *sigh*

    Happy reading!

  6. What book would I read first? Hum… now that is a great question: so many great books to choose from.

  7. Wow! There are some pretty good looking books there! Great assortment too! I am a mood reader so that is important to have a book for every reading mood. Gotta say I missed the video this time around!

  8. Wow, you just keep adding more books and talking to the authors, that is gotta be the neatest thing. I love the one photo where you said (Living beyond your feelings) Book “This author was nice to talk to. And, then the others didn’t have that…wondering why some authors are nice and others are so so?!

  9. Oh, I get it now, thanks you Sheila for explaining that clearly. Have a delightful day.

  10. I think if I had to pick on thing to covet it would be your audiobook swag! Plus those audiobooks themselves. I’ve really been loving my audiobooks recently and I’d love to get more, but the price can be steep if the addiction gets to be too much. Thank goodness for my online library!

    Thanks so much for sharing, especially the middle grade book! I’ll be on the lookout for it!

  11. So exciting, all these wonderful new reads and Jane Eyre and Phantom of the Opera in audiobooks? Wow! I just finished reading Jane Eyre for the first time and I have to say, “Where have I been?”. The book was fabulous! I can only imagine it in audio. Enjoy!!

    1. I have never been able to read Jane Eyre… I dpnt know what it is but I start…. and I get bored. I really have tried about three times….

      I have now rented a movie called Jane Eyre and have the audio…. somehow I am going to get through it! LOL

  12. Wow, what fun! So many that I want, and a few that I luckily have … I am almost to “The Soldier’s Wife” – it seems like an emotional read, so I’ll have my Kleenex handy!

    (had to be like Christmas for you!)

Hmmmm... what do you think?