Morning Meanderings…. Well Everyone Else Is Doing It….

Good morning.  Probably going to the chiropractor this morning…. so ridiculous but the nerve in my back has now went up to my neck (I can’t look down) and over to my right arm – it hurts to lift my coffee cup….. now that is serious.  😛 

In the mean time – as I psych myself up to use the shower…. (how sad that it takes a pep talk with myself to get me going in that direction because it calls for standing and moving), I thought I would do this little meme thingy that Bonnie linked me up too.

Ok… with no more rambling ( as I really do need to figure out a way to move), here is the 4 x 4

Four jobs I’ve had in my life:

  1. Wal-Mart (Customer Service Manager, Support Team, Promotional Chairperson, Department Manager)
  2. Family Life Administrator (I prefer the FLA – it sounds very CSI)  😛
  3. Hardees fast food counter person
  4. Domino’s Pizza (driver, day shift manager, office manager)

Four books I would read over and over:

  1. The Bible
  2. Any of the Harry Potter books
  3. Summerhouse by Jude Deveroux
  4. Three Sisters Trilogy Nora Robers – Dance Upon The Air, Heaven and Earth, and Face The Fire

Four places I have lived:

  1. Bemidji Minnesota
  2. Virginia Minnesota
  3. Soldotna Alaska (one year with my aunt and uncle and mom after the house fire)
  4. Brainerd Minnesota (there is no place like home :D)

Four books I would recommend 

  1. Summer House by Jude Deveroux
  2. Three Sisters Trilogy by Nora Roberts (see book titles above)
  3. ROOM by Emma Donoghue
  4. Little Princes by Conor Grennan
  5. (bonus) Thirteen reasons Why by Jay Asher

Four places I have been:

  1. Honduras
  2. Costa Rica
  3. California
  4. New York!

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Thai
  2. Mexican
  3. Chinese
  4. anything chocolate….

Four of my favorite drinks:

  1. Ice water
  2. fresca
  3. diet Dr Pepper
  4. skim mocha latte no whip

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. on a secluded SUNNY beach
  2. Disney World
  3. in a hot tub
  4. can I just say the secluded SUNNY beach again?

Four things that are very special in my life:

  1. my family (Al, Brad, Justin) and friends
  2. my church
  3. my activities: biking, rollerblading…
  4. my online conversations here

Alright…. yes, I am still going to recap last weekend…. really.  I just need to prep some pics and I know… I can not believe it is Thursday already.  Have a super day everyone… I am off to slowly get ready for work and make that appointment to hopefully get this pain taken care of as I have never experienced anything like this before and it is driving me crazy that I can not be active. 

*I do not do a lot of these meme/questionnaires anymore, and I don’t mean to be rude when people tag me or connect me with blog awards – it’s just honestly… I don’t have the time to do all that they entail.  I apologise to people who gave my a blog award and I commented “I will stop by and check it out” because more times than not, as I continue doing whatever I am doing I forget to stop by and do that.  Thank you for thinking of me though, I think that it is so nice that you even find my ramblings blog award worthy.  😀

31 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…. Well Everyone Else Is Doing It….

    1. I feel… lazy….. with the weather still poor outside I cant even go walk around…. GAH!

      I am hoping maybe tomorrow morning I can do group power but maybe I will have to just use the treadmill instead 😦

  1. Oh, I want to get to NY someday! The closest I’ve been is Boston…and that was almost a lifetime ago, in the eighties….

    I did the Four Things meme, too. It was fun, although it does take time to link to the other bloggers. But fun…Thanks for sharing.

    Hope your chiropractor fixes you up!

  2. Good luck with the chiropractor. I’ll be interested to learn if it helps. There’s not much worse than back and neck pain.

    I’m with you on the blogger awards, etc. There are only so many hours in the day and I need every minute of them.

  3. Sorry you are still having trouble with the back and now neck. My chiro fixed me right up and the massage I had helped as well. Maybe after you visit your chiro, you can get a massage!!

    1. Thanks Nice – he said if a few times there did not put me good as new he would set me up for therapeutic massage…. at this point anything to get me back to normal – first bike ride of the season is May 1…. 60 miles.

  4. The exclamation near NY stands for BEA and all the excitement that went with it. I could just copy your fave foods (but chocolate would have been first)

  5. Still hoping you get better soon.

    I love the meme thing and totally agree with most especially Room as I just finished *yay* I’m jiggin whilst driving 😀

  6. It’s fun to learn more about people through memes, but I do understand the time consumption problem. Some of them are just plain LONG. Anyway, now I want some Mexican food and a Diet Dr. Pepper.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Yes, you best get to the chiropractor right away, because what if you can’t lift the the coffee cup at all?? It would be a tragedy of Epic Proportions.

    1. Exactly Jill… I thought of that too – plus I need to lug those book bags at BEA….. I shudder to think what I would do if I could not lift a book….

      I think I need strength training…. asap 😛

  8. I should have just said “middle eastern” and “indian” food under my foods instead of getting specific!! 😀

    I’m jealous of your time in Costa Rica. ;P

    1. Costa Rica was a family trip and one out travel agent chose for us when we were looking for someplace warm and also interesting to our two sons…. it was actually one of the best trips I think we went on and swinging through the rain forest may always be a life highlight 😀

  9. I have always ignored Facebook aps and things there I’m supposed to “like.” I do occasional memes because I like learning more about my friends, often people like you who live too far away to have even been friends with, prior to the world wide web. Thanks for playing along, even though you are both busy and in pain.

  10. Nice lists, Sheila. I see that The Summerhouse features on it, so it really IS one of your favorite books. I got it because you recommended it and I loved it! I also got the sequel, Return to Summerhouse, but haven’t read it yet.

Hmmmm... what do you think?