Morning Meanderings…. Jumping On The “Banned Wagon”

Good Morning and welcome to Banned Books Week, officially September 25 – October 2.   You can read up more about it here .  I for one am excited and my plan is to review a book a day this week from the Banned Books Lists, as well as give you a little background on why it was on the list.  I am hoping many of you will join me in reading a banned book or two this week and reviewing it.  If you are, please link your banned books related  posts to the linky below.  I would like to stop by and see what you are reading.  I am hoping to do a drawing at the end of the week from those who linked their posts…. still looking for the right giveaway item for this event.  😀

I also plan to share a book a day on my Morning Meanderings that tells about a banned book.  Hopefully by the end of the week we will all know a little more about banned books.

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Today, is going to be fun.  I am meeting up with Chance, our 15-year-old dynamic Kinship Partner and he and I are going to drive the hour to St Cloud.  I want to stop in Little Falls at their book store and see if they are doing anything for banned books week as it is on our way.  Once in St Cloud we are going to have lunch at Mongo’s and then off to Barnes and Noble where they are having a local author event.  Chance is also a reader so I though this would be a fun little day trip.

Tomorrow I will be spending the day with hubby and Navy Son.  They will watch football and I will read…. and then we will do dinner together.

Any plans for the weekend?

Why Was Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Banned?

On March 18, 1885, The Committee of the Public Library of Concord, Mass. expelled Huck from the library as “trash and only suitable for slums.”

In 1902, the Brooklyn Public Library banned The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with the statement that “Huck not only itched but he scratched,” and that he said “sweat” when he should have said “perspiration.”

In general, the debate over Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has centered around the language of the book, which has been objected to on social grounds. Yielding to public pressure, some textbook publishers have substituted “slave” or “servant” for the term that Mark Twain uses in the book, which has been considered derogatory to African Americans.

24 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…. Jumping On The “Banned Wagon”

  1. Huck Finn is one of the first books I checked out of the library as a kid…when I was eight. The first one was Tom Sawyer. I LOVED those books! So naturally they’re part of the “banned” group! lol

    1. Laurel – the banners are after you … anything you read will be marked as banned – LOL 😛

      You are right, they seem to be able to find the craziest things to call it banned. I can not imagine not having access to some of these books that are truly part of our history.

  2. They may be a bit on the pricey side, but check this site for Banned Book items. You may find something for yourself. I like the “I’m With The Banned” theme.

    I know there was another company that had stuff, but I can’t remember it.

    What many people who object about books often fail to realize is when terms, phrases, ideas are used in a book, they are indicative of the time and place. Maybe they should start putting labels on the books like TV stations use – “The opinions expressed by the characters are their own and in no way reflect the opinions of this author.”

    I found my copy of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD so that will be my read this week. Nothing to link to, but that is OK.

  3. So Huck Finn should have said perspired! Don’t these idiots that ban books know anything about creating a character? No one would have read the book if Huck hadn’t been Huck.

  4. Huck Finn is indeed one of my favorite banned books. It was a required read in high school and I’ve loved it ever since. Mark Twain is one of my favorite authors of classic literature, he was very outspoken and basically that’s what got him in trouble LOL… tends to be what gets me in trouble too… I’ll link up my “Banned Book Week” post when I put it up on Monday. I may even review a banned book I’ve read in the past, just for giggles LOL…

  5. I have no plans, and not sure I even have a book to count toward the challenge. Just got home last night and heading out again tomorrow all day. Next week I’ll have to try to pull something together! 🙂

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