Readathon Mini Challenge :Kick Off (post 3)

I have to do this mini challenge as it is my friend (and BEA  roomy) Reagan who is hosting.  If you have not checked out her super cool blog I recommend it.  🙂

The Mini Challenge is to discuss the prep work that went into our Readathon start.  Mine was setting up my favorite chair in the reading room… I pulled in an extra little table so I could have near me:

My Books ( the possibilities anyway…)

Reading Glasses (in case eyes get tired)

Notebook and pen (to prep thoughts for reviews)

Cell phone (I dont want to have to get up)

Coffee Cup (how I love thee….)

Camera (possible mini challenge moments!)

Barnes and Noble gift card in case I have a weak moment

my favorite blanket (Kiki, this is the blanket I talked about in the last post!)  🙂

And I took a picture to hopefully give you the full visual.  🙂

Readathon Progress:  Reading Sand In My Bra (on page 65)….. still 1st book but have spent a bit of time Cheerleading!  🙂

22 thoughts on “Readathon Mini Challenge :Kick Off (post 3)

  1. Thank you so much for the pictures! Loved the blanket and your set up..I’m quite jealous! You made me laugh out loud when I saw your chocolate supply…When I drop off my daughter at piano lessons, I’ll have to make a quick stop at get dark chocolate raisainettes.

  2. Only 3 little Krackle bars? I would need a giant size Hershey bar just to make it through the first book. After that I’d have to run get more chocolate! Cheering you on here…rah, rah! Keep going Sheila. (I don’t see Little Bee in your pile, are you done?)

    1. Hi Angie – not done yet with Little Bee… there is more to the book pile…. just cant see it all to the right of picture one where it says “more books!” Couldnt decide what to read! 😀

  3. This looks so comfortable I’d surely fall asleep after a few hours. The only thing missing is an insulated carafe to refill that coffee cup. Have fun!

  4. Your reading corner is an inspiration. My house is just full of boxes and piles of books. Hope to one day get things organized so I have several reading spots around the house to suit the mood I’m in. Usually I read at the kitchen table.

  5. What a great spot you have set up! And the ubiquitous bottle of hand lotion, a must in MN!! Hope today goes great!

  6. I haven’t started yet. =O( I had a late night doing homework last night. So I will be officially starting after I return from my library sale. Oh well…I’m sure there are others who are starting late too. Great pics of your prep work!

  7. Good plan!!! I did the Read-A-Thon in the fall and I went in without a plan. I think you will find you’ll need to change locations though … I know I got a bit antsy after the first few hours. Be sure to take a walk too or your eyes will fall out of your head!!!

    Go Go Go!

  8. Oh, my…something I forgot! I have a small notebook to record books and pages…but I need something to jot down notes for reviews!

    Usually I review a book as soon as I’m finished reading it, so it will still be fresh in my mind. So I don’t normally take notes.

    But I’m not stopping to review today!

Hmmmm... what do you think?