Gilmore Girls Reading Challenge

If you are ever in a radio contest and you have a chance to win big bucks if you can answer the question, “What is Sheila’s all time favorite tv series”?  You will win the bucks if you answer Gilmore Girls.  I am a total Gilmore Girl addict….. to the point that:

  1. I own all seven seasons and have watched them at least three times all the way through
  2. I have often wished like Loreli that I could run a bed and Breakfast
  3. Have paused the DVD’s to look closely at the screen to see what book Rory is reading
  4. Would pack up tomorrow if I could live in Stars Hollow

Ok…. so now you know.  Gilmore Girls is my comfort show…. it plays this time of year in the background on evening that I am downstairs curled up with a blanket and my lap top…. I root for Dean…. I get angry at Jess….

ANYWAY… when I seen that Lisa from Lit and Life was hosting a Gilmore Girl Reading Challenge…. lets just say that being lab partners with Paris for three years would not have kept me from joining.  🙂

Before you think that you could not do this challenge know that the list of options (all nicely displayed at the Gilmore Girl Reading Challenge blog) are in all categories and are books you know and if you have not read – there are many you should.  You can enter the challenge at different levels….

Emily: Read 5 books from at least two different categories.
Lorelai: Read 10 books from at least three different categories.
Rory: Read 20 books from at least four different categories.

I personally am going to go for the Rory!  With choices from childrens to YA reads, to classics, to modern fiction…. these are the books we read anyway!  Go check out the post and join…. it would be great to share reviews with you!

1. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling (Children/YA Category)

2.  To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

3.  The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath


















24 thoughts on “Gilmore Girls Reading Challenge

  1. Is it really that good? I’ve heard about The Gilmore Girls, but have never seen a single episode. Now you’re probably never going to speak to me again, are you? *L*

    1. It is so good! I think I want to be Loreli when I grow up! She is smart, fun, and so funny – I love quick whit humor!

      And I will speak to you…. as long as you watch an episode….;)

      I recommended season one.

  2. I have never watched one episode of Gilmore Girls!!! Can you believe it??? I did check out the books and this sounds like a fun challenge. Plus I really like Lisa and want to support her for this challenge!!

    1. Julie J – Alyce (comment below) covers it well… it is so funny, so quick whit… and bookish too! 🙂

      See my morning meandering on Sunday Dec 6, I am putting up clips of the show.

  3. I absolutely love the Gilmore Girls, but I have reached my limit for challenges (I have signed up for an insane amount – 20, with 2 more I will join after the new year). Most of the challenges I joined included books I was already planning to read anyway next year, and this one doesn’t. Maybe in 2011!

    Good luck with the challenge! I have to admit that I liked Logan the best. 🙂

    Oh, and in response to the other commenters, if you like intelligent, witty, and funny shows then you will most likely love Gilmore Girls (but especially if you are a bibliophile).

  4. I love Gilmore Girls and I also decided to try to complete this challenge. I will start up with Lorelai but I hope I have a change to go all the way to Rory! 🙂

  5. My best friend’s favorite show as well! I liked it fine, but the funny part was a dream she’s never let me live down. A melding of Oz and Gilmore, everyone was saved by Luke by “hiding” from the tornado at Lorelai’s.

  6. I’m so glad you’re joining me! Sometimes, when my daughter and I are having a conversation, I’ll think we sound just like Lorelei and Rory. Except not a witty…or well-dressed!

    1. I hear you Lisa – I had a girl I used to work with a long time ago say I reminded her of Lorelei from Gilmore Girls. At that time I had never even heard of the show and that is actually what made me watch it for the first time… (of course as the seasons went on – I was really hoping that I no longer reminded her of Lorelei as some of her decisions drove me nuts!) 🙂

  7. I actually went on a set tour of the WB lots and got to visit the Gilmore Girls sets!! I sat on Lorelia’s stool in Luke’s diner!! Also got a pic of me on Lore & Rory’s front steps and in the gazebo! Something that will forever be close to the top of my list of great moments!

      1. Lorelai actually hates B&Bs! I think you should take some time off of work and do a third time through of the entire series.
        (you don’t even want to know how many times through I’ve watched the entire series. I must be on 50 by now. I wore out my first copy of all the seasons so I had to get another copy!)

Hmmmm... what do you think?