Saving Sammy by Beth Maloney

A mothers love so deep for her son that she fights the system to get the answers and help she needs to make him well.  My heart wept.  ~ Sheila

aaThe summer before entering sixth grade, Sammy, a bright and charming boy who lived on the coast of Maine, suddenly began to exhibit disturbing behavior. He walked and ate with his eyes shut, refused to bathe, burst into fits of rage, slithered against walls, and used his limbs instead of his hands to touch light switches, doorknobs, and faucets.
Sammy’s mother, Beth, already coping with the overwhelming responsibility of raising three sons alone, watched helplessly as her middle child descended into madness. Sammy was soon diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and later with Tourette syndrome. Unwilling to accept the doctors’ prognoses for lifelong mental illness and repeated hospitalizations, Beth fought to uncover what was causing this decline. Racing against time as Sammy slipped further from reality, Beth’s quest took her to the center of the medical community’s raging debate about whether mental illness can be caused by infection. With the battle lines firmly drawn, Beth searched until she found two cutting-edge doctors who answered that question with a definitive yes. Together, they cured Sammy. Five years later, he remains symptom free.

My Thoughts:

First of all, what a powerful book and I have to say I am so impressed with Beth’s perseverance.  I really felt for her as she struggled to find out what was happening to her son coming up against wall after wall.  As Beth’s life takes a back burner to put her sons needs in front of all else.  This book is a strong picture of the power of a mothers love.  The fact that she wrote this book is going to be such a gift to others who are going through their own similar battles.

I picked up this book with a thought that I knew what I was about to read.  I had an inkling of what this was about and getting further into the book I found I had truly no idea how deeply emotional this book would be.  Having raised two sons of my own and battling one teacher myself who said that my oldest had ADD to the point that I put him on the medication prescribed by a doctor only to later find out he did not have it…. I barely grazed what Beth’s life must have been like and not even begin to know what it must have been like for Sammy.

A great and important read.

About Bethbeth

Beth Maloney is a successful Maine attorney. In addition to representing writers and producers, her practice has focused on representing the best interests of children as their Court appointed Guardian ad Litem, primarily in cases of neglect and abuse. Before moving to Maine, the author was an executive and attorney in the entertainment business in Los Angeles, where it was her good fortune to work with a number of creative and athletic stars. Her experience includes serving as Vice-President of Legal Affairs for Orion Pictures Corporation, producing motion pictures, and handling matters in private practice for celebrity entertainers and athletes including Johnny Carson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Shaquille O’Neal. SAVING SAMMY is Ms. Maloney’s first book.
My review copy came from TLC Book Tours

16 thoughts on “Saving Sammy by Beth Maloney

  1. I saw this family on the Today show recently. It’s an amazing story. As the mother of two boys with chronic illness, I can certainly relate to the mother’s crusade to find a cause for the changes in her son.

    I’m not surprised by the cause, though – an infection. More and more “mysterious” illnesses/conditions (including my sons’ and mine – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) are now being found to be cause by previously unidentified infections. It’s exciting new research that will likely change many areas of medicine – for the better.

    Thanks for the review –


  2. Terrific review, Sheila. It’s frightening to think that something so seemingly simple as an infection could cause such complex and serious conditions. I applaud Beth for fighting for being such an advocate for her son.

    Thanks so much for all the time spent reading/reviewing this book for TLC. We really appreciate it!

  3. This sounds like a powerful book. It’s reminiscent of Against Medical Advice by James Patterson. I’m glad that she is such a strong person and that she never gave up for her quest to heal her son!!

  4. This sounds like the kind of book I’d like to read. It’s been added to the never ending to-be-read pile of books. I’ve a few students who might enjoy this one as well! 🙂 Thanks for a great review and recommendation!

  5. As a mom with a child with PANDAS, it is great to have Beth Maloney represent us. She has so much perserverence and determination. She will open doors for other moms going through the same ordeals.

    1. my sister is going thru the same thing with her daughter she has been in & out of the hospital ..time & time again ..she gets these episode of hand shaking , crying , screaming they sometimes last an hour sometines many hours …& still nooo diagnosis ..she had a strep infection & her titters are way up there again .at 925 …can you advice us on what to do ??? i think she has pandas & everything eles that goes agong with it …thank you …mari

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