ALVOR by Laura Bingham with a signed copy for giveaway!

alvorThank you Laura for sending me not only this book, but a second one to give away.

I have to tell you readers…. this came in the mail on Friday and now… it calls me.  I have other books I am reading AND enjoying, but this cover, this book…. I want to drop everything and read it now.

“Adarae jolted as the feeling surged through her.  She looked carefully at not one, but two little faces, and felt the warm power within them.  No one suspected it would be two, but the strenght pulsing through them was undeniable.  They stared back into her eyes.”

ALVOR is a spellbinding blend of magic and mystery, enchantment and fairy tale, that asks the age old question:

Do you believe in magic?

FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD Erin and her twin brother, Bain, had never seen the secluded cabin in the woods by their home.  Upon entering, they discovered a magical world haunted by pegasi, dragons, and fairies

Are you ready to play?

To enter this giveaway:

1) leave a comment with your favorite fantasy book title (have you reviewed this favorite?  If so, link back to the review)

2.  Blog about this contest on your site and receive 2 extra entries ( we are helping Laura get the word out about her book!)

3.  Follow me on Twitter and/or follow my blog (the link is up on top of the page)

Each chance for entries must be on a separate comment.  USA entries only please, no PO boxes.

This giveaway will end on August 7.

See authors website here

58 thoughts on “ALVOR by Laura Bingham with a signed copy for giveaway!

  1. Favorite book thus far is The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. Couldn’t put it down to do anything else.

  2. I guess a recent favorite fantasy type book has been Wings.
    Alvor looks good!

    JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com


  3. Hey, what an awesome giveaway! My favorite fantasy book is Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones—although all of her books are great!

  4. 1) My favorite fantasy book would have to be City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, it’s more of an urban fantasy though — I absolutely love it because it’s super exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat. Also all my supernatural faves were in it, such as vampires, werewolves, warlock, etc.

    2. I added it on my blog giveaway sidebar…does that still count as blogging Sheila?

    3. I already follow you on Twitter love! @lafemmereaders

    Cool giveaway Sheila, the book sounds amazing and the cover is beautiful…


  5. My favorite fantasy titles (three of them from The Last Herald Mage Trilogy) are Magic’s Pawn, Magic’s Promise, and Magic’s Price by Mercedes Lackey

  6. I’m going to say that Robin McKinley’s The Blue Sword is my favorite fantasy. That’s not a real answer, though, because fantasy is one of my favorite genres, and I probably have about 50 favorites. Really.

    This one looks intriguing…I’d love to be entered!


  7. yoyks! i loved the hobbit and harry potter but i think i have to go with the velveteen rabbit….ok, not a novel but that and the little prince were novels to me at one time! so i am sticking with it!

  8. Ooh, I have so many favorites 🙂 If I have to pick just one – hmmm- it would be Lord of the Rings! 🙂

  9. I must admit that I haven’t read a lot of “hard core” fantasy in many years, but I do really like the sweetly magical books of Sarah Addison Allen – and I’ll be posting a review of THE SUGAR QUEEN soon.
    I’d love to read this book – I’m looking to be enchanted these days! Thanks for the chance to win.

    geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

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