Morning Meanderings…

So my morning starts out like this…. I get up and see another beautiful day coming across the horizon.  I start the a meme for mecoffee, prep my work space, pour a cup of coffee, and set it by my computer, let the dogs out, stand on the deck and feel much joy in the warmth of my favorite time of year, pour myself a cup of coffee and sat down to get started.

Did you catch that?

Yup…. I look across my work space and I have poured myself not one… but two cups of coffee.  LOL.  Whatever…. I drink them both.  🙂

So… the “coffee cups” and I start our ritual of email checking, and blog visiting.  This morning is a bit different because I am not returning to write this post with a book to check out (well, in a way I am….) but more with a question and an answer.

Over at My Friend Amy’s, she presented her Faith N’ Fiction Saturday question as to what is the best Christian Fiction book we have read so far this year.  Hmmmm….. great question!

I came back with the answer as In Search of Eden by Linda Nichols.    The question is timely too because I have several great reads in this category that I have purchased and are now waiting on the book shelf.  I actually pulled a couple off the shelf and added them to my TBR pile.


8 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…

  1. I’ve just discovered a new author that falls into the category of Christian fiction — Kaye Dacus. I’ve just ordered one of her books from Amazone so I can’t comment on it personally, but the reviews on many blogs have been enthusiastic. The book I ordered was Ransome’s Honor.

  2. Hi Sheila!

    I went and added my follow link. Sorry about that! I had been copying and pasting url’s into my dashboard but I don’t know how other blogs do it, so I added it.

    Thanks for entering my giveaway!


  3. I’m glad I’m not the only one that sometimes gets a little confused in the morning! I like to think it is because my head is so full of thoughts about wonderful books.

  4. I did not catch the two cups of coffee…but I’m not good at details like that, which is why when I read mysteries, it is always a suprise to me “whodunit.”

    And I was introduced to Christian Fiction for the first time this year … kind of stumbled into it accidentally and was pleasantly surprised by Nicole Baart’s The Moment Between.

Hmmmm... what do you think?