Morning Meanderings…

coffee04aI slept funny and have a now two day pinch in my back…. good grief what is that?  Am I old enough for back pain???  So this morning I woke up a little later than usual, and spent a little more time than I should have reading emails and lally gagging around the blogesphere….

My stop today took me a review that just read to me like a casual heartfelt book.  I was at Girls Just Reading, and found this little treasure posted by Lisa:  The Forgotten Garden.  I instantly was drawn to the book.  I encourage you to stop by and see this review and a beautifully done blog.

And now…. I quote the rabbit in Alice and Wonderland….

I’m late, I’m late for
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late
I’m late and when I wave,
I lose the time I save.
My fuzzy ears and whiskers
Took me too much time to shave.
I run and then I hop, hop, hop,
I wish that I could fly.
There’s danger if I dare to
Stop and here’s a reason why:
I’m over-due, I’m in a rabbit stew.
Can’t even say good-bye,
hello, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.

4 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…

  1. Sheila,

    Thank you for the nice note about our blog and particularly The Forgotten Garden review. I loved this book and I hope you read it soon. We at GJR are just happy to share our love of books with others.

    Take care,

  2. I really liked her blog , well, maybe its because she just read Devil Bones, lovvveee Kathy Reichs books! Will definitely need to read The Forgotten Garden. Great site!

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