The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

TheWednesdaySisters_300_450The Wednesday Sisters: Set during the summer of 1968 in Palo Alto, California, Clayton’s novel chronicles the lives of five women who conduct a weekly writing group at their neighborhood park. Frankie is an unassuming midwesterner whose inventor husband brings them to the burgeoning Silicon Valley. She meets Linda, the all-American athlete; Kath, the southern belle; Brett, the enigmatic scientist; and Ally, the shy bohemian. The women share their feelings about marriage and motherhood and together mourn the assassination of Robert Kennedy and watch as man walks on the moon and feminists protest the Miss America pageant. They support one another through illness, infertility, racism, and infidelity—and encourage each other through publishers’ rejections. Readers will be swept up by this moving novel about female friendship and enthralled by the recounting of a pivotal year in American history as seen through these young women’s eyes.

I stumbled upon this book while looking for something to recommend to our book club for May.  I loved the fact that the book was about strong women and apparently a bit before their time.  I excitedly brought it into the vote but it did not win.

I could not let it go so I used the gift card I received from Brad and Justin for Mother’s day to purchase this among a few other treasures.  I brought it with to the cabin for Memorial Weekend and devoured it word for word.

This book featured excellent characters that I not only could relate too, but almost wished that i too could be a Wednesday Sister and join them as they discuss children and husbands, lives and dreams.  I loved that they all tried their hand at writing… I loved Linda’s strong personality, Kath’s sweet heart, Ally’s insecurities, Brett’s secret heartache, and Frankie’s wisdom.  These five made a group that was a delight to read about!  I even pulled a couple ideas out of the book to use for our book club including one great idea to have a “come as your favorite fiction character” party.  I already know who I will be……

There was a line in the book (of course I can’t find it now) that talked about how most women are lucky to have even one really close friend in a lifetime… I really thought about this and it is true.  I am blessed to have many friends through the years that I would say I am very close too.  What a great gift friendship is.

I enjoyed this book and will be looking for more from this author.  her characters were alive and real and what a privilege to spend time with these amazing women! A HIGH FIVE rating!  I will be bringing this to book club again for another try!

See Meg Waite Clayton’s website here ***Also – see where Meg added part of this review to her website!!! (Thanks Meg!)

7 thoughts on “The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

  1. I picked this book up a couple of weeks ago, and added it to my falling over to be read pile. Your review made me even more anxious to read it :-).

  2. Our book club did do this book and you are right that is great for discussion. I also loved the book and the characters…what great reviews you do. In no time at all, even more authors will be knocking on your door to review for them once they discover your skills and emotional attachment to each book. Well done…thank you!

  3. What a lovely review – thank you! So glad you couldn’t let it go. And thanks for the link to my website. (It’s the work of a very talented young designer named Ilsa Brink, who did an amazing job!)


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