Brainerd Library Book Sale

Ok… I almost hate to share this…. but the Bookie in me (my definition of a book junkie as well as the name of my book club) has to put the word out on this little known blog so I don’t feel selfish.  : )

The Brainerd Library book sale is Friday March 28th and 29th at 9 am each morning.  There I said it. 

For those of you who have never experienced this sale that takes place every Spring and Fall – here are a few guidelines from a book sale pro….

  1. Ladies, leave your purse in the car or at home.  Grab cash or check and stick it in your pocket.  You are not going to want to be lugging anything around while you dig through piles of books by your favorite authors and favorite topics.
  2. Stretch.  You may laugh… but not only are there stacks and stacks of books lined up on long tables…. but there are more books under the tables in boxes all categorized and ready to hit the tables if they have a chance.  It has not been beyond me to crawl under these tables and plow through the boxes.
  3. Patience.  My past experience has been a packed area in the room to the right of the library and by packed I mean wall to wall people all doing the same thing you are doing.  (For that reason, you really can’t get upset with them).

That’s about it.  Enjoy!  Oh – and for those of you who have books to donate, they are still accepting books and if you feel the need to feed my habit and others like me…

Bless you.

2 thoughts on “Brainerd Library Book Sale

  1. My idea of heaven. I’ve bought some real bargains this way. Our library has a trolley dedicated to the selling of ex-library stock – priced at 25p for a paperback and 50p for a hardback you can’t go wrong.

Hmmmm... what do you think?