It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Welcome to It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

This past weeks winner:

Niina at For The Love Of Reading

WOO HOO!!!!  Please choose an item out of the Reading Cafe Grab Shelves  and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

Wow, how did it get to be Monday already?   I think I had a good reading and blogging week… but the week was hindered when Thursday evening I became sick and remained that way through the weekend.  I am still sniffling now but had a good nap today and am hopeful that this is the end of it and I can get back on schedule tomorrow.  My workouts have suffered, but my reading has not as when not wanting to move…. I can always read.  😀

Cinder by Marissa Meyer (I am so glad I read this!  I really LOVED it!!!)


Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer (a book I have been meaning to read for years – an audio that really amazed me – true story.)

The Condition by Jennifer Haigh (have you read Haigh yet?  You need to!)


Never Eighteen by Megan Bostic (debut author this year and a great read!!!!)

One For The Money – Book and Movie review (I read the books YEARS ago, seen the movie on Saturday!)


I also finished Crescendo and The Fixer Upper on audio and watched Into The Wild the movie and have reviews yet to post on both of these.  I am in the process of listening to Silence which is the final and follow up book to Crescendo.

So this week hubby will be working out of town which for a wild girl like me means….

more books.  😛 

I already peeked this afternoon to see what I was up for this week and am excited to share with you the plan:

On November 22, 1963, three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed. What if you could change it back?

In this brilliantly conceived tour de force, Stephen King – who has absorbed the social, political, and popular culture of his generation more imaginatively and thoroughly than any other writer – takes listeners on an incredible journey into the past and the possibility of altering it.

It begins with Jake Epping, a 35-year-old English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine, who makes extra money teaching GED classes. He asks his students to write about an event that changed their lives, and one essay blows him away: a gruesome, harrowing story about the night more than 50 years ago when Harry Dunning’s father came home and killed his mother, his sister, and his brother with a sledgehammer. Reading the essay is a watershed moment for Jake, his life – like Harry’s, like America’s in 1963 – turning on a dime.

Not much later his friend Al, who owns the local diner, divulges a secret: his storeroom is a portal to the past, a particular day in 1958. And Al enlists Jake to take over the mission that has become his obsession – to prevent the Kennedy assassination.

So begins Jake’s new life as George Amberson, in a different world – of Ike and JFK and Elvis, of big American cars and sock hops and cigarette smoke everywhere. From the dank little city of Derry, Maine (where there’s Dunning business to conduct), to the warmhearted small town of Jodie, Texas, where Jake falls dangerously in love, every turn is leading, eventually of course, to a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald and to Dallas, where the past becomes heart-stoppingly suspenseful – and where history might not be history anymore. Time-travel has never been so believable. Or so terrifying.

I started this one a couple days ago… it is a 30+ hour audio so thought I had better get started!  So far?  Loving it!




Frances, a Chinese-American student at an academically competitive school in San Francisco, has always had it drilled into her to be obedient to her mother and to be a straight-A student so that she can go to Med school. But is being a doctor what she wants? It has never even occurred to Frances to question her own feelings and desires until she accidentally winds up in speech class and finds herself with a hidden talent. Does she dare to challenge the mother who has sacrificed everything for her?

I found this at my library…. thought it sounded good!

In LIFE IS A TRIP: The Transformative Magic of Travel, Santa-Fe based travel writer Judith Fein describes many such in-betweens. For her, the most mundane moments are often turning points, when a trip can turn into a catharsis, where plans are thrown out and intuition takes over. Fein loves to take herself off the beaten path and then wait to see what happens. Her collection of essays is not so much about an intrepid traveler as a spiritual searcher, someone willing to travel to the ends of the Earth to find answers.

I started this one this afternoon and am enjoying the funny short travel stories…

Ben and Rose secretly wish their lives were different. Ben longs for the father he has never known. Rose dreams of a mysterious actress whose life she chronicles in a scrapbook. When Ben discovers a puzzling clue in his mother’s room and Rose reads an enticing headline in the newspaper, both children set out alone on desperate quests to find what they are missing.

Set fifty years apart, these two independent stories–Ben’s told in words, Rose’s in pictures–weave back and forth with mesmerizing symmetry. How they unfold and ultimately intertwine will surprise you, challenge you, and leave you breathless with wonder

I must be into “BIG ADVENTURES” as this baby is over 600 pages.  But – this was going to be my first book of the year and got pushed back.  Now it is time.

I think that is more than enough for this week – but it should be a fun week to read!  I am hoping to get around to many of you to see what you are reading as well!  Please add your link below where it says “Click Here” and stop in and see a few of the other readers who have linked up as well.  You never know where your next great read may come from!  😀

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and for those of you who are mainly YA, MG, and Childrens book readers…. be sure add your link here as well:


69 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I am so glad you enjoyed Cinder. It is my favorite of the year so far. I really liked your review of One For the Money. I still haven’t read it but I want to and I also want to watch the movie.

    I hope you feel better this week!

  2. So glad you loved Cinder, thought you would 😉
    I’ll be interested to see what you think of Wonder Struck.
    I was just a little disappointed in Never Eighteen … all of Austen’s to-do-list visits covered just about every “issue” under the sun lol

    Have a great week and happy reading 🙂

  3. I love books that take a creative approach to telling a story, and Wonder Struck sounds like it’s that kind of book. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it!

  4. I saw your review of The condition during the week – its something I would really like to read

    Thanks for stopping by Book’d Out!

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

  5. Heard lots of good things about Cinders. If it wasn’t a series I would be out there buying it just now. I have heard lots of good things about the King book. Look forward to seeing what you think of it.

  6. The Stephen King books sounds thrilling! I love time travel and it sounds like he took time travel and made it so intense. Scary books aren’t really for me though…I may have to wait for summer when I can read it during the day and not get freaked out. 🙂

    I loved Wonderstruck! It looks daunting but I read it in one night. It goes so fast because of all the illustrations mixed in. I think you’ll enjoy it. I llked Wonderstruck more than The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Selznick. Happy reading!

  7. you mentioned Silence was the final book…actually Finale is. Silence was suppose to be the last). I really want to read Cinder. I gave away a audio book on my blog. I was asked if I wanted to review an audio book of it. but I think my mind is too scattered to try to listen to one.

  8. Happy Monday!
    I’ve seen Wonderstruck in the store – it does look interesting.
    I’m in that weird in between books space. Having a hard time focusing on one again. 🙂 Oh Well! nothing to do but read ’em ALL!

  9. Glad you enjoyed The Condition – Haigh is one of my favorite authors.

    Looks like you have a great reading week planned! My husband recently read 11/22/63 and loved it – I need to tackle it as soon as I have the time for a BIG book!

    And you and I are on the same wavelength, Sheila – I just finished Wonderstruck (and had also been meaning to read it for a while). Don’t let its size fool you – it is more than half illustrations, and many of the text pages have scant text, so it is a very quick read….but an amazing one! One-of-a-kind and wonderful!

    Enjoy your books this week –


  10. I read Faith earlier this year and have The Condition on my TBR list. Good news, there is a fourth book in the Hush, Hush saga coming out in the Fall. Off to check out what you thought of One For The Money. Glad you are feeling better.

  11. I haven’t read any of these yet but I’ve been wanting to check out 11/22/63 – I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. I hope you enjoy your reading this week Sheila! 🙂

  12. 11-22-63 was one of the top 5 books I read last year. Spectacular.

    My link is to what I read in January, not just last week. I am currently reading People of the Book but will probably give up soon as I am not enjoying it and my book order from Amazon should be arriving tomorrow with my copy of Moby Dick. I also just purchased The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books on the Kindle and am anxious to dive into it.

    I also have a post on “How Do You Pick What You Read” and I would love some feedback!

  13. Hope you’re feeling better asap! I want to read 11/22/63 as soon as I get a chance. Life is a Trip is going on my WL. I love the cover of Wonder Struck!

  14. oh my gosh… that’s all I have to say… I took ownership of my life today! I have had company since mid-December, making it hard to workout at night and keep my schedule. I’m excited to focus on me (fitness and nutrition). 🙂

    Hope you are having a great reading/workout week!

  15. You’re in for a few treats this week! Wonderstruck is on my list, but if it’s half as good as The Invention of Hugo Cabret, it should be terrific. I listened to the audio of 11/22/63, and LOVED the narrator – quite skilled in accents, I was very impressed. Happy Reading!

  16. I’m a huge Stephen King fan so I”m sure I’ll be reading that soon. Wonder Struck sounds very intriguing.

    I’m still focused on ebook review copies this week. I actually posted a review last week (talk about wonder struck) and have two review/giveaways going up this week.

  17. I’m so glad you liked Cinder and Into the Wild. Into the Wild stuck with me for a very long time after I finished. It completely broke my heart, and I felt like I knew Chris.

    11/22/63 is SO GOOD. But then again, I adore Stephen King.

Hmmmm... what do you think?