It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello and welcome to another fun addition of It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?

This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

I am currently in Honduras so will pull this weeks winner from last weeks entries next week as well as this current one.😀

So, as I mentioned above… I am in Honduras, I left on Saturday morning from the cities and will be here until this next coming Friday.  I had planned to write this post prior to leaving but time and life stuff took over and instead, I am currently in my room in La Esperanza Honduras on a little afternoon break, typing this one out.  Needless to say…. it will be short and to the point.  😛

This past week this was on the presses at Book Journey:

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan audio review

Snow Flower and The Secret Fan Movie giveaway!I meant to choose a winner before I left – I did not so consider this one still on 🙂

One Fine Day by Lauraine Snelling (book review)

My post with itinerary while I am away (this will tell you what I am doing in Honduras)

Laurel from Rainy Days and Mondays shares her favorite 200 reads and recommendations

Esme from Chocolates and Croissants shares her favorite reads of 2011

My Honduras Day One Check In

Staci from Life In The Thumb shared her thoughts on The Homecoming of Samuel Lake

As for this week… I finished Monsters Of Men on the plane and among other books I brought that I hope to at least make a dent in I brought:

On the morning of July 24, 1915, the liner Eastland rolled over and capsized into the Chicago River; 844 people died. In his first nonfiction book, mystery writer Bonansinga (The Black Mariah, etc.) captures the raw emotion in a story full of greed, courage and overwhelming grief. The victims were looking forward to a day of eating, drinking and dancing. Dressed in their finest, the passengers swarmed onto the boat. Gazing at the huge, sturdy looking, freshly painted vessel, most took it on faith that they were in good hands. Unbeknownst to them, the Eastland had been beset by serious problems from its launch. The ship was hard to control and prone to listing even under normal conditions, though its various owners had covered up this fact. As the disaster unfolded, the best and worst of human nature was immediately on display. Men shoved women and children out of the way inIh desperate attempts to escape. From shore, passersby risked their lives to save the fortunate few. In pure Chicago style, the disaster’s aftermath was marked by political infighting and petty corruption. For all the loss of life and the implications to public safely, this incident is little known today; Bonansinga’s powerful book returns it to the record. Photos.

I took an interest in this when I was in Chicago in June and heard about the tragedy and about the bodies lining the streets to be identified by loved ones.  A friend of mine brought me the book the day before I left for Honduras.

I hope you join in with Monday What Are You Reading.  Once I am back int he states I look forward to catching up with all of you.  Please add your link to where it says “click here” below.

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22 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. The Eastland disaster is a huge pece of history here in the windy city. I went on a haunted Chicago tour right after I moved here and the guide talked about the spot on the river that never settles, the haunting of Harpo Studios where the bodies were taken… it’s all so sad and creepy. I’m going to add that one to my list!

  2. I’m familiar with the Eastland, I should be since I’ve lived in the Chicago area all my life, but I hadn’t heard of this book. I’ll add it to my list and be watching for your take on it.

    Hope your trip is going well, and have a safe journey back to the States.

  3. This week, I am trying to get further in Jim Fusilli’s ‘Narrows Gate’.

    Finished ‘Lets Take the Long Way Home”- I loved that, just need to
    the review.

    Received from Library Thing, “The Puppy that Came for Christmas” so I will be starting that one.

    Carol Wong

  4. Shortly after posting my link my google account got disabled! I’ve been in tears the past hour but managed to get it back including my blog. So if anyone tried clicking through and got a blog not found message, it’s back.

  5. Hi allow me to introduce myself. I am Jackie and I started reading more books about a month ago and over the course of action I came upon your wonderful book journey meme . My goal is to read a book a week and I hope I continue to participate . Thanks for hosting and I almost forgot to tell you I visited 13 other blogs .

  6. Wow, Honduras! Sounds amazing, Sheila. I know you go every year – what a wonderful experience!

    Hope you have a great time and find a little spare time to enjoy your books this week, too –


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