It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner (using Random.Org) was:

Alleluialu from  Bookend Crossing


Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!


I just got home about an hour ago from being at our cabin this weekend.  We never get there enough!  I was hoping it would be more reading time than it was, but instead my friend Wendy and I talked a lot (A LOT)  and watched many episodes of Season One Gilmore Girls which was pretty cool too.  😀

So, looking back on a very crazy busy week of training a new office manager and regular life commitments, here is what happened at Book Journey:


I’d Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman (audio review, my first Lippman and oh yeah – there will be more!)

Alice’s tea Cup by Haley Fox and Lauren Fox (super awesome book with recipes for a tea and scones, and other melt in your mouth treats!)

What would your name have been? (I am curious to know if you had been born the opposite sex, what your name was planned to be)

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss (A late banned book review)

What is it with me and Jayne Eyre? Yes, I admit to my constant battle with this woman.  😛

Sylvia – Movie Review. The book The Bell Jar left me wanting to know more about Sylvia Plath and this movie fed that need to understand this woman more.

I did get some reading done this weekend and have a few exciting review to write this week on books and audio I think many of you will enjoy!

As for this weeks plan, here is what I will be reading:


This is our November book club read and I am curious about this one.  Set in renaissance Italy in 1482, it is the story of a prostitute who steals a small portrait from a painter and opens up a whole lot of trouble she was not looking for.  When people close to her start dying she flees with the one man she can trust, Brother Guido who has been trying to convert her.



For the love of Adriana Trigiani, look what popped into my mailbox recently?  This book will be released tot he public on November 9th and I want to be sure my review is ready to roll.  I will also be chatting with Adriana about this book, and her upcoming books to movies (SSSSQQQUUUEEEEEE!!!)


I want to list more but I have a few I want to finish this week from recent weeks so I am going to refrain.  Seriously though, I had an amazing reading week so make sure you watch this weeks reviews because I can not wait to share them with you!  😀

In the meantime, I hope you are going to let me know what you have been reading this past week and what you plan to read this coming week.  I love seeing what is on your agenda!  Please add you link below:

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72 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. You have some great book ahead of you….hope you enjoy them!

    By the way for some reason I’m listening to Christmas music right now and I felt like sharing 🙂

  2. Oh! I got the Adriana Trigiani book as well and I can’t wait to read it! I’m definitely going to have to check back for your interview, I just loved the sound of the book.

    Hope you’re doing well and feeling rested after a great relaxing weekend! I’m absolutely jealous! 🙂 Sounds like you needed it after a busy week at work. Have a fabulous reading week!

    1. Thanks Danielle, I actually am feeling good and kind of forgot about how yucky I felt last week at this time (still running a fever and coughing).

      I think my health is restored and I am looking forward to a simply POSITIVE week 🙂

      1. I have an annotated bibliography due on November 2nd. Thankfully my journal article reading over the weekend paid off. I have my rough draft written. That removes a big portion of the stress I’ve been feeling.

  3. Oh Botecelli’s Secret looks intriguing, and I read your post about Jane Eyre and had to laugh as this is one of my favs and a reread. I do admit that I cannot read it fast as the language is tough, but being a lover of words (like Rory on Gilmore Girls, I have always wanted my own OED) I delight in the words.

    For me it is Dickens who has always been my nemesis. Have never made it through any of his works.

    Have a great week!

    1. HI Jan, I love words too….. I know I have to give Jayne Eyre another go…. just need to plan for it so I can stretch first. 🙂

      I enjoy Dickens, but have not read any of his heavier reads. Our book club read The Christmas Story a couple years back and I loved it.

  4. Being a grandmother myself now, I wonder what my grandkids might have to say about my “wisdoms”. probably nothing. I don’t have a relationship with my grandma, so I’m just playing by ear. Right now so far, I’ve taught my three year old granddaughter how to navigate a few kid websites, we play barbies, and read a lot. With my grandson, we laugh a lot and …we play alot – sometimes barbies. Well, they could say they learned to laugh and laugh and mabe swear a little. LOL!

    Trigiani’s book looks interesting.

    regarding names, I have no Idea about mine, but I know we had planned to name our second child Carl, but a girl was born…we ended up saving the name Carl for our third child. Not sure why we didn’t use Carla.

    Happy future reading!

  5. ooh the botticelli secret looks wonderful. i just finished anne fortier’s juliet and have been missing 14/15th c italy. sounds perfect! thrilled about a new adriana trigliani!

  6. I will have to give the Laura Lippman book a try. I ordered it for my library.

    The Adriana Trigiani book sounds really interesting. I’m planning to order it for the library too. I haven’t read any of her books yet but I really want to read her YA book.

    Have a great week. Season one of the Gilmore Girls is my favorite (I have it and season two).

    1. Christina I have all seven seasons – total Gilmore Geek. I like season one as they define who everyone is but I really like it when Rory gets some personality of her own as she grows up. Of course my favorite guy in her life is Dean. 😀

  7. Hehe! I’m going to be reading The Lorax and The Giver next as part of my drive to read some banned books. 🙂 Will be popping over for that review shortly. The Botticelli Secret looks wonderfully intriguing and so will look forward to that review!

  8. Ah, every time you mention your cabin, I’m so jealous (but in a nice way!). It sounds wonderful – I would love to have a weekend getaway like that. We have our little camper, but it’s tough to get away very often. Our weekends are filled with soccer games, school dances, kids’ parties, etc.

    Glad you enjoyed the Lippman – I’ll have to check out your review.

    Enjoy your books this week!


    1. Sue we never get there as often as we would like. 🙂 It is a little over 3 hours away so it is a commitment to go and then the time seems so short. 🙂

      This time we got there about 7:30 at night on Friday, then headed home at 11 am on Sunday. So really, its just a little over a full day there. 😀

  9. Adriana’s book looks wonderful. I have read a lot about Sylvia Plath, and I think that if she had been born later, her life would have taken a completely different turn with all of the advances in our understanding of bipolar disorder and depression. All of that talent and such a sad woman!

  10. I love Trigianni books! The Big Stone gap being my fav.
    Can’t wait for you interview, how fun! Have a great week reading Sheila.

  11. Well, I had my post up last night and intended to get up early to set my link….and here I am at 10 o’clock…bleh! Oh well…at least I’m here!!

    I’m sooooo jealous that you are interviewing Adriana! I love her books! I have Don’t Sing, so I can’t wait to get into it and then read your interview!

    Happy reading!

    1. Sharon, I set this post to go live Central time about 8:30 pm on Sunday to help out our friends in other countries who participate. 😀
      You can link at night if you want!

  12. Is it rainy and yucky by you too today? Great game last night!! I hate nail biters but at least this time Green Bay came out on top.
    It’s crazy, my reading has really slowed, I wish I had a cabin I could go to, just me and my books for a few days. Life has been crazy here and interrupts my reading time 🙂

    Off to visit and do some reading, perfect recipe for a rainy dreary day.

    Have a great week!!

    1. It is blah weather here! And the forecast looks like it will be that way all week long. Oh well… grass is no longer growing so that frees up a bit more reading time for me. 😀

      I have a friend who lives in Brainerd now but is originally from Wisconsin…. she was bragging up Green Bay this morning at Group Power class. 😀

  13. A weekend at a cabin sounds perfectly lovely! And the Gilmore Girls is such a fun show. I hadn’t heard of it until a couple of years ago (one of the perils of living overseas is I’m often out of the loop on TV shows), but am slowly making my way through it. Season 5 is about to start airing here and I’m really looking forward to it.
    Have a great week!

  14. The Boticelli Secret sounds quite interesting. Your blurb is enough to capture my interest to the point of adding it to my list. I can’t wait to read your review.

    This is the second time I’ve encountered the word Boticelli within a week’s time. I either read something or saw something on TV where someone said, “I’m a Boticelli.” Of course I looked it up; then something else came to mind. So, Kathy, if you’re still reading, Boticelli may be my word for this week.

    My week was rather unfocused—basically tying up loose ends. So I didn’t post today. But that doesn’t stop me from checking out what everyone has read. I’ll still be commenting on some of your posts. Have a great week.

  15. I’m so looking forward to I’d Know You Anywhere on audio, I have to finish up The Historian and Deliver Us From Evil. As hard as I try, I can’t get the narrator to read faster!! LOL Have a great week.

  16. If I’d have been a boy, my parents were going to call me Alex George… after a motorcycle racer!

    I’m currently reading Side Jobs by Jim Butcher and should be finishing that tonight. Not sure what I’ll be reading next (though I’ve plenty to choose from!).

  17. So glad you enjoyed the litle retreat to your cabin, I had a sun/mon break away with my sister so lots of fun but I’m now playing catch up. Anyway glad to be participating this week, your books look good as always, especially the Adriana Trigiani 🙂

    Have a wonderful week and enjoy your reads!!

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