It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner (using Random.Org) was:

Aths  (Reading On A Rainy Day)

Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

For the first time since I took over this meme in February for J Kaye, I did not get the post up the night before.  My weekend was so busy I still feel like I could just sleep another 4 or 5 hours to catch up.  Usually I prep this post Sunday afternoon and try to have it post around 8 pm Central time on Saturday night which I know really helps the Monday Meme bloggers who live in other countries.  Last night I just did not have the brain power to write this up so instead I played around a bit with the Blogfest blogs and wish I could have had more time this weekend even doing that.

I got up early this morning to get this post written and active.

So what happened this past week in the reading world for me?

To Kill A Mockingbird (book to movie comparison and review)

Men and Dogs by Katie Crouch – Audio Review:  A hard review to write, this one was not one I enjoyed

Dropping the “F” Bomb – a list of upcoming FALL bloggy and booky events

What The Yuck! Review – A book that answers the questions you may be too embarrassed to ask your doctor.

The I Hate To Cook Book by Peg Bracken review – *I loved this and used it last night to make dinner.

That was last week.  I have no great reading successes to report.  If anything my reading time has been minimal and I have to report that while ROOM was ob my list to read last week, I did not even have time to pick it up.  My week was so busy with the last days for my assistant, planning the office moving forward, prepping for the feed the children event, the Honduras kids in town, tailgate party planning and participating, set up for the homeless serving week and then last nights orientation…..GAH!

So here is what I currently have going and what I plan to start this week:

Finishing this one up today.  This is my book club read and we meet tomorrow evening!  YIPES!

I had big plans for this one last week and I never even picked it up.  Too many other commitments…. try, try again this week.  😀

What is Dekker up to now?  I am about to find out.  This one came with a t-shirt which I think is also part of a giveaway I will have to check.  😀

I am also working on The Handmaid’s Tale and Bleak House as read-a-longs.

Today is also the kick off the BBAW – Book Blogger Appreciation Week so please take time to read my sticky post at the top part of my blog about what I have planned for this week of celebration!

Here is what I have happening here to celebrate this week (yes!  Giveaways!)

I am taking today off from work as I am just so behind on everything.  My lawn needs me, my house needs me… and I just need a day to breathe and catch up.  I also want to see what you are all reading to please connect your Monday What Are You Reading post to the space below where it says “click here”.  I will be stopping by throughout the day with Coffee Cup to see what you have planned for this week.

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Have an awesome week!!! 😀

92 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I do want to read ROOM. It sounds tantalizing….

    Hope you have a productive (and relaxing) day! When I didn’t see your post last night, I got worried…thought you might have run away from us all! lol

    Have a great week.

  2. I can relate!! Our whole family is struggling to adjust to the start of the school year – early mornings, soccer practice, homework, school events, etc. I’ve been working on clearing off my home office desk – a major undertaking!

    I’ve heard good things about Dekker, but I’ve never read any of his books. I’m in the middle of The 19th Wife, which is excellent.

    Enjoy your catch-up day today, and have a good week!


  3. It amazes me how much you get done each week Sheila, your energy, enthusiasm and committment are inspiring. Hope you can recharge your batteries on your day off 🙂

    I’m hoping to start on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo soon, the Stieg Larsson books have been on my bookshelf way too long. Room went on my wishlist last week!

    1. Sherri I have to finish Dragon Girl – so far so good…. it is funny it reads to me like an old detective novel almost…. I am getting a vibe from it that I was not expecting and not in a bad way.

  4. I was wondering where everyone was today, then saw that you posted it today. I’m just waiting for my copy of Room which Danielle (There’s a book) was so kind to send me. I want to read it! Waiting to hear your thoughts!

  5. I’m reading Sarah Waters’ Fingersmith since I enjoyed The Little Stranger so much. It’s a long one and my life has suddenly gotten hectic too, so this may take a while.

  6. I was missing your post this morning (which is a long time ago here in the Netherlands), but since you always tell us what you’re up to in Morning Meanderings, I suspected that you were a bit too busy or tired to write the post the night before.

    Well, it wasn’t even Monday for you then, so!

    I’m reading The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf which I can recommend if you haven’t read it yet. It reminds me of Jodie Picoult (and how can that be wrong?).

    Happy reading!

    1. Oh good! I was hoping that if anyone read my posts over the weekend they seen a pattern of an overbooked person 🙂

      I have nor read The Weight of Silence but if you say it reads like Piccoult – you are right… how can you go wrong? 🙂

  7. Sheila, you are the hardest working woman that I know. Seriously! I’m glad you are taking a day to recoup and rest a bit. Please rest a bit. LOL

    I’m reading Pat Conroy’s SOUTH OF BROAD for my book group meeting next week and have hit that sweet spot where it’s hard to put down to do other things. However, I must.

  8. I don’t know how all you bloggers do it all, read, blog, WORK, house stuff, kid stuff, etc. I bow down to all of you!!!

    The blogging world it great and has been a lifesaver for me! Hooking up with as many of you as I can each week puts a smile on my face and makes me so happy to be alive!!!

    Thank You!!


    1. We take secret vitamins that are hidden on page 42 of all books….. LOL 😛

      Glad you enjoy your blogging world Dollycas – I do too and love it when after a stressful day a comment will make me smile…

  9. I figured there had to be something going on, because you are always so early and your posts before had you so busy this week. Wow! I’m just glad to hear it was because you were relaxing a bit and not something like sickness. You had a fantastic week it looks like, busy and exhausting, but great! I’m so glad to hear it. :o)

    I hope you enjoy Room, it’s on my list to read soon. 🙂

  10. I was almost relieved to read that you took today off of work. You need time to recover from this weekend! I enjoyed reading all about the amazing and life changing things that you had planned this past weekend. This week I am picking up The Wife’s Tale and am looking for yet another classic to read. I am challenging myself to alternate my reading this fall and winter between contemporary and classic lit, change things up a little. Just a few pages of Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking to finish this pm, I just couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough last night to finish it. It was a really fascinating book! I hope that you have a great day catching up on all things YOU related today!!

    1. Classics can be awesome Sarah – you must have read To Kill A Mockingbird right? My book club is reading The Bell Jar next month. Every October we read a classic as a group.

  11. I was able to start Guernsey last week, and let me tell you, it’s as good as everyone says it is. Hopefully you’re able to get to it soon – it could be just what you need in the middle of all this stressy-times.

      1. Oh please, don’t remind me of my EPIC FAIL at NOT grabbing a copy of this book! Like, seriously! This and The DUFF are the two that I was like well… I have so many already… and now I’m like “girl, you’re an idiot!!”. Soon though. Soon I will get both 😀

  12. I saw that the Room was nominated for the Booker prize. I like read Kissing the Witch by that author, but could never quite get through Slammerkin. Hope you enjoy it

  13. Hi Sheila, Happy Monday! We just watched the GWTDT DVD on netflix and boy I see now why everybody said it starts out really violently. It was kind of hard to watch but I wanted to figure out the story too..

  14. Room is definitely a book I want to pick up when I’ve got a moment. I’ve read some good reviews about it and I don’t think I’ve heard anything bad about it.

    I still haven’t read any of the Stieg Larsson books. I really should.

    1. Oh good Lisa – I have heard good things about them although one girl in my book club has already text me and said she hated the book. Hmmm….. our review is tomorrow. Curious shy she felt so strongly that way….

  15. Your reading a couple that I’ve had my eyeball on! Room & Immanuel’s Veins . They both sound good and of course Dragon Tattoo, that one is on my tbr list.
    Hope you enjoy your reads and your week!
    Natalie :0)

  16. Yikes … I don’t know how you keep up with everything!! I really want to read Room … everyone who has read it says it is amazing. Hope your week slows down a little and you can catch your breath!

  17. I have been meaning to check out Men and Dogs but based on your comments, I’m not sure its one I’ll like either. Of course, I still haven’t read Crouch’s other book. That TBR pile grows and grows.

    I came across the I Hate to Cook cookbook and added it to my wishlist. Sounds like I need to more it up a way since I really do not like to cook. And who doesn’t like a little snark with their cooking instructions.

  18. Another amazing week you had. Can’t wait to see your review of the Stieg book. I picked it up just by chance and I wasn’t expecting the story that I got, but liked it nevertheless.

    I just have to add I Hate to Cook to my purchases. Just the title is so me and so true.

    Sherri at Urban Girl Reader

  19. Ooo… I loved To Kill a Mockingbird (the book and the movie). Gregory Peck = swoonworthy! 😉 I’ve heard so much about the Millennium trilogy but haven’t picked it up yet. Hope you are enjoying it and having a wonderful day off!

  20. I finished a cute pair of stories by Julie Kistler. They were about twin sisters who switch places 2 weeks before the wedding of one of them. A humorous diversion. I am starting THE COUNTESS AND THE KING by Susan Holloway Scott.
    I have had THE HANDMAID’S TALE on my shelf forever, but I guess it will have to stay there. I am actually making headway (little, but I will take what I can get) on sorting through all this stuff in my house. Dropped off 4 boxes last week and found a new home for my giant Pooh Bear from the library. He will be in the playroom at the Domestic Abuse Shelter in the county. He is like a big security blanket.
    I’ll be contacting the senior home tomorrow to see if they want some my old videos. I would bring them some from the library. They loved the old musicals and comedies. I was able to clear 3 shelves. Now I can shelve my audio books and more books.

  21. My 16 yr old niece is raving about The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and its sequel. She bought her own copies and has promised to loan them to me. But I really should get her Twilight series read and returned to her first. Not to mention the shelf full of other books she has loaned me in the last few years.

    I just googled Room by Donoghue to find out what that was about as the crayoned title intrigued me. Now I want to read it but the library doesn’t have it yet. The probably will though as they seem to have everything else by Donoghue.

  22. A day late, I know, I know!! Hey, I got it up this week, so that should count for something, right??

    I too have Room on my nightstand, but I’m not sure I can pick it up! Scary. I read a review recently – which I don’t normally do for books that I have in the cue – but it made me a lot less afraid to pick it up. So, I think this week is it. We’ll see.

    Have a great week , Sheila!!

  23. I don’t know how you keep up with all you do! I did look Sunday evening and saw how busy you were. I forgot to look for the post yesterday so I am linking late. But I am pleased to say I have already visited 5 blogs now this week. 🙂
    Your books sound interesting and I’ll have to check a few of the reviews. Have a great week this week too.

  24. I want to read Room, It sounds oh so good. Especially with coffee, and a snack, like lays sour cream and onion chips (my sin;) I am almost done with Age 10 and divorced. I have heard so much about it and the fact that it’s a real life story and she is so so young, I had to read it. And I really want to read Girl With A Dragon Tattoo. The Title alone gets me. Here is mine:

Hmmmm... what do you think?